Italian Chicken Soup

Italian Chicken Soup


½ Box 8 Oz Ditalini Pasta

2 cups Cooked Chicken Cubed

4 cups Chicken Broth

1 tbsp Canola Oil

½ White Onion Peeled And Cubed

1 Orange Pepper Deveined,Seeded And Diced

1 Whole Jalapeno Seeded And Diced

2 Stalks Celery Diced

2 cans 15oz Petite Cut Tomatoes

1 cup Water

1 cup Heavy Cream

1 tsp Dry Oregano

1 tsp Dry Basil

Salt And Pepper


Cook pasta( al dente) following the directions on the back of the box.

Rinse the cooked pasta with cold water. Set aside

Heat oil to medium-high. Add onions, celery, green pepper, and jalapeno. Sauté until tender.

Add the cubed chicken, chicken broth, water, tomatoes with juice, and the sautéed vegetables. Stir in the herbs.

Taste test. Add salt and pepper to taste. Increase heat to a boil.

Reduce heat and cook on simmer for 20 minutes. Stir in cooked pasta. Add and stir in heavy cream.

Ladle soup in soup bowls. Serve with hot rolls.



Pasta Preparation: Cook the Ditalini pasta al dente according to package instructions to ensure it retains a firm texture when added to the soup later. Rinse with cold water after cooking to stop the cooking process and prevent the pasta from sticking together.

Cooked Chicken: Use pre-cooked chicken that has been cubed for convenience. This can be leftover chicken from a previous meal or freshly cooked specifically for the soup.

Vegetable Sauté: Sautéing the onions, celery, orange pepper, and jalapeno in canola oil until tender enhances their flavors and ensures they release their aromas into the soup.

Broth and Tomatoes: Use chicken broth as the base for the soup to impart a rich flavor. The addition of petite cut tomatoes with their juices adds acidity and sweetness to balance the flavors.

Seasoning: Incorporate dry oregano and dry basil to infuse the soup with classic Italian herb flavors. Season with salt and pepper to taste, adjusting the amount based on personal preference.

Cooking Process: Bring the soup to a boil after adding all ingredients, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes. This allows the flavors to meld together while ensuring the vegetables and chicken are fully heated through.

Adding Heavy Cream: Stirring in heavy cream at the end of cooking enriches the soup with a creamy texture and adds a luxurious mouthfeel. It’s added after the soup has simmered to prevent curdling.

Serving: Ladle the Italian Chicken Soup into bowls and serve immediately, pairing it with hot rolls or crusty bread for a satisfying meal.

Make-Ahead Tip: This soup can be made ahead of time and reheated gently before serving. The flavors often improve when allowed to meld overnight in the refrigerator.

Variations: For a lighter version, you can substitute half-and-half or milk for the heavy cream. Additionally, you can add spinach or kale for extra nutrition and color.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1 bowl

Calories:350-400 calories | Total Fat: 15g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 60mg | Sodium: 800mg | Total Carbohydrates: 30g | Dietary Fiber: 3g | Sugars: 4g | Protein: 20g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of pasta?

Yes, you can use a different type of pasta if you prefer. While the recipe calls for Ditalini pasta, you can substitute it with other small pasta shapes like macaroni, small shells, or even spaghetti broken into shorter lengths.

Can I use a different type of protein instead of chicken?

Absolutely, you can customize the soup by using a different type of protein.

Cooked and cubed turkey, pork, or even tofu can be used as alternatives to chicken.

How can I make the soup less creamy?

If you prefer a lighter version of the soup, you can reduce the amount of heavy cream used or even omit it altogether.

This will result in a brothier consistency.

Can I make this soup ahead of time?

Yes, you can make this soup ahead of time. Prepare the soup as directed, excluding the pasta and heavy cream.

Refrigerate the soup base, and when ready to serve, reheat it on the stovetop, add cooked pasta and heavy cream, and warm through.

Can I freeze the leftovers?

While the soup can be frozen, keep in mind that the texture of the heavy cream might change upon freezing and reheating.

It’s recommended to freeze the soup base (without heavy cream and pasta), then add those elements when reheating for better results.

Can I use fresh tomatoes instead of canned?

Yes, you can use fresh tomatoes instead of canned if you prefer.

You’ll need to peel, seed, and chop the fresh tomatoes before adding them to the soup.

Keep in mind that using canned tomatoes can be more convenient and consistent in flavor.

Is it possible to make this soup vegetarian?

Absolutely, you can make a vegetarian version of this soup by omitting the chicken and using vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.

You can also add in extra vegetables or plant-based protein sources like beans or tofu.

How can I adjust the spiciness level?

The spiciness of the soup comes from the diced jalapeno.

To adjust the heat, you can modify the amount of jalapeno used or remove the seeds and membranes from the jalapeno before dicing.

If you prefer no heat, you can omit the jalapeno altogether.

Can I use a different type of pasta?

Yes, you can use a different type of pasta if you don’t have Ditalini on hand. Penne, macaroni, or any small pasta shape will work well in this recipe.

Can I make this soup in advance?

Certainly, you can prepare the soup in advance. Follow the recipe up until adding the cooked pasta and heavy cream.

Refrigerate the soup base, and when you’re ready to serve, reheat it on the stovetop, add the pasta and heavy cream, and warm through before serving.

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