Beans with Salt Pork Casserole


This comforting recipe for Beans with Salt Pork brings together rich, savory flavors in a hearty, satisfying dish. Combining tender beans with salty, flavorful pork and a blend of spices, it’s a classic comfort food that’s perfect for a cozy meal. The slow cooking process allows the flavors to meld beautifully, while a roux can be added for extra thickness, making it a filling and flavorful addition to any dinner table.

Beans with Salt Pork Casserole


1 large bag of casserole beans (such as pinto or navy beans)

1 lb salt pork, chopped into small pieces

1-2 tablespoons garlic powder

2 tablespoons Fiesta brand Pinto bean seasoning (or to taste)

4 cups chicken broth (more as needed)

Salt and pepper to taste

For roux:

1/4 cup flour

1/4 cup water


Rinse the beans thoroughly and remove any debris.

Place the beans in a large slow cooker.

Add the chopped salt pork, garlic powder, and Fiesta Pinto bean seasoning to the beans.

Pour the chicken broth over the beans, ensuring they are covered by at least an inch of liquid. Add more broth if needed.

Set the slow cooker to high and cook for about 5 hours. (Cooking time may vary depending on the type of beans and your slow cooker. Check periodically to ensure the beans remain covered with liquid, adding more broth as necessary.)

If the beans need thickening, prepare a roux by mixing the flour and water in a small bowl until smooth.

Add the roux to the beans, stirring well to combine. Continue cooking for another 30 minutes, or until the beans reach your desired thickness.

Season with salt and pepper to taste before serving.

Enjoy your hearty and flavorful beans with salt pork!


Bean Varieties: You can use various types of beans, such as pinto, navy, or kidney beans. Just ensure they are thoroughly rinsed and checked for debris.

Salt Pork Substitute: If salt pork is not available, you can substitute it with ham hocks, bacon, or smoked sausage for a similar flavor profile.

Cooking Time: The cooking time can vary based on the type of beans and your slow cooker. Check periodically and add extra broth if needed to keep the beans covered.

Adjusting Thickness: If the beans become too thick during cooking, you can add additional chicken broth to achieve your desired consistency. Conversely, if you prefer a thicker stew, add more roux.

Spice Level: The Fiesta Pinto bean seasoning adds a nice kick, but adjust the quantity to match your taste preference. If you like it spicier, you can add a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes.

Flavor Enhancements: For added depth of flavor, consider incorporating a bay leaf, diced onion, or minced garlic at the beginning of the cooking process.

Serving Suggestions: This dish pairs well with cornbread, rice, or a simple green salad. It can also be enjoyed on its own as a hearty main course.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 250 | Protein: 15 grams | Fat: 10 grams | Carbohydrates: 25 grams | Fiber: 7grams | Sodium: 800 milligrams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use dried beans instead of casserole beans?

Yes, you can use dried beans.

However, you’ll need to soak them overnight and cook them for longer, usually around 8 hours on low in a slow cooker.

Adjust the cooking time and liquid accordingly.

What if I don’t have salt pork?

If salt pork is unavailable, you can substitute with ham hocks, bacon, or smoked sausage for similar flavor.

Adjust the amount of added salt based on the saltiness of your substitute.

Can I cook this recipe on low instead of high?

Yes, you can cook it on low. It will take approximately 8-10 hours on low.

Be sure to check the beans for doneness and add more broth if necessary.

How do I adjust the seasoning if I prefer less spice?

Reduce the amount of Fiesta Pinto bean seasoning to suit your taste.

You can always add more later if needed.

Can I make this recipe in a pressure cooker or Instant Pot?

Yes, you can use a pressure cooker or Instant Pot.

Cook on high pressure for about 30 minutes, then do a natural release.

Adjust the liquid and seasoning as needed.

Is it necessary to use a roux for thickening?

A roux is optional. If you prefer a thicker consistency, adding a roux helps.

Otherwise, the beans will thicken naturally as they cook.

Can I freeze leftovers?

Yes, you can freeze leftovers.

Allow the beans to cool completely before transferring them to an airtight container.

They can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Reheat thoroughly before serving.

What should I do if the beans are too dry or hard after cooking?

If the beans are too dry or hard, add more chicken broth and cook for a little longer.

You might need to add some extra liquid and seasoning.

Can I use low-sodium chicken broth?

Yes, using low-sodium chicken broth is a great way to reduce the overall sodium content of the dish.

Just adjust the seasoning to taste.

How can I make this recipe vegetarian?

To make it vegetarian, omit the salt pork and use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.

You can add additional vegetables or spices to enhance the flavor.

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