Salsa de Aguacate

Indulge in the vibrant flavors of Mexico with this delightful Salsa de Aguacate recipe. Bursting with freshness and a hint of heat, this creamy avocado salsa is the perfect accompaniment to elevate any dish or serve as a zesty dip. With just a handful of simple ingredients and easy-to-follow steps, you’ll be whisked away to a fiesta of flavor in no time.

Whether drizzled over tacos, enchiladas, or enjoyed with crispy tortilla chips, this homemade salsa is sure to become a favorite in your culinary repertoire. Let’s dive into the recipe and embark on a flavorful journey through the heart of Mexican cuisine!

How to make Salsa de Aguacate


8 tomatillos

Half of a bunch of cilantro

Slice of onion

2 large avocados

2 cups of water

Salt to taste

8 Chile’s serranos (usually use 4 depending how spicy they are)


8 Chile’s serranos (usually use 4 depending how spicy they are)

Then once in bowl squeezed half of a limon

Put everything in blender , and blend until everything is smooth! And u Can more Chile’s if need too or water depending how runny u want your sauce to be.

And enjoy on anything! Even bomb as a dip with chips

Enjoy !!


Freshness is Key: Ensure your ingredients, particularly the tomatillos, cilantro, and avocados, are fresh for the best flavor. Look for firm avocados and vibrant green tomatillos.

Adjust Spice Level: The number of serrano chilies can be adjusted based on your preference for spice. Start with fewer chilies if you prefer a milder salsa, then add more to increase heat gradually.

Balancing Flavors: The addition of lime juice adds brightness and helps balance the richness of the avocado. Adjust the amount of lime juice to suit your taste preference.

Texture Control: The amount of water added to the salsa can be adjusted to achieve your desired consistency. Start with less water and gradually add more until you reach the desired thickness.

Blend Until Smooth: Ensure to blend the ingredients thoroughly until smooth to achieve a creamy texture. Stop and scrape down the sides of the blender if needed to ensure all ingredients are evenly blended.

Storage Tips: Store any leftover salsa in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It’s best enjoyed fresh but can typically be stored for up to 2-3 days. The avocado may cause the salsa to darken over time, but it will still be safe to eat.

Versatile Usage: This salsa is incredibly versatile and can be used as a topping for tacos, burritos, or grilled meats, or as a dip for tortilla chips. Get creative and try it as a spread for sandwiches or wraps too!

Experimentation: Feel free to customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences. Add additional ingredients like garlic, jalapenos, or even a splash of olive oil for added flavor complexity.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1 (2 tables spoon)

Calories: 70 | Carbohydrates: 4.6g | Fiber: 3.1g | Protein: 0.9g | Fat: 5.6g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I adjust the spiciness of this salsa?

Yes, you can control the spiciness by adjusting the number of serrano chilies you use.

Start with fewer chilies if you prefer a milder salsa.

How long does this salsa last in the refrigerator?

It can typically last for 3-5 days when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Can I freeze this salsa?

While you can freeze it, the texture of avocados may change upon thawing, so it’s not recommended for optimal flavor and consistency.

Can I use bottled lime juice instead of fresh lime?

Fresh lime juice is recommended for the best flavor, but you can use bottled lime juice as a substitute if fresh lime is not available.

Is there a substitute for tomatillos if I can’t find them?

If tomatillos are not available, you can try using green tomatoes as a substitute, although the flavor may be slightly different.

How can I adjust the consistency of the salsa?

You can adjust the consistency by adding more water for a thinner salsa or reducing the amount of water for a thicker consistency.

Can I make this salsa ahead of time for a party?

Yes, you can make it ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

Just give it a good stir before serving.

Is this salsa suitable for people following a gluten-free diet?

Yes, this salsa is gluten-free as all the ingredients listed are naturally gluten-free.

Can I omit the cilantro if I don’t like it?

Yes, you can omit the cilantro if you don’t like it, but it will change the flavor profile of the salsa.

Can I add other ingredients like garlic or lime zest to enhance the flavor?

Absolutely! Feel free to customize the salsa with additional ingredients like garlic or lime zest to suit your taste preferences.

Adjustments like these can add depth and complexity to the flavor profile.

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