Ricotta Gnocchi with Meatballs

Ricotta Gnocchi with Meatballs is a delightful twist on traditional gnocchi, offering a light and fluffy texture that pairs beautifully with savory meatballs and rich marinara sauce. This comforting dish is perfect for family gatherings or a cozy dinner at home.

The easy-to-make gnocchi, combined with flavorful meatballs, creates a satisfying meal that’s sure to impress. Whether you choose to make your meatballs from scratch or use store-bought, this recipe will become a favorite in your kitchen!

Ricotta Gnocchi with Meatballs


2 large eggs

2 cups all-purpose flour (plus extra for dusting)

2 cups dry ricotta cheese

Salt (for boiling water)

Butter (for serving)

Grated cheese (for serving)

Your favorite marinara sauce

Meatballs (homemade or store-bought)


Make the Dough:

In a large bowl, combine the ricotta cheese and eggs. Mix until smooth.

Gradually add 2 cups of flour, mixing until a dough forms. If the dough is sticky, add more flour as needed.

Shape the Gnocchi:

Take a large spoonful of dough and roll it into a log shape between your hands, dusting your palms with flour to prevent sticking.

Lay the logs out on a floured tray (you may need three large cookie sheets).

Cut the logs into pieces the size of your index finger. Roll each piece on a gnocchi board or gently press with a fork to create dimples.

Cook the Gnocchi:

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook the gnocchi in small batches; they are done when they float to the surface (about 2-3 minutes).

Use a slotted spoon to transfer the cooked gnocchi to a serving bowl.


Toss the gnocchi with melted butter and grated cheese. Serve hot with your favorite marinara sauce and meatballs.


For extra flavor, you can sauté garlic or herbs in the butter before tossing with the gnocchi.

Make Ahead: You can prepare the gnocchi in advance and freeze them. Just drop them into boiling water directly from the freezer without thawing.

Variations: Feel free to add herbs or spices to the dough for extra flavor!

Enjoy your delicious homemade ricotta gnocchi with meatballs!


Ricotta Quality: Use high-quality, well-drained ricotta for the best texture. Excess moisture can make the gnocchi sticky.

Eggs: Fresh eggs help bind the ingredients together. Room temperature eggs mix better than cold ones.

Flour Measurement: The amount of flour can vary based on the moisture content of the ricotta. Start with 2 cups and add more as needed to prevent stickiness.

Rolling Technique: When rolling out the gnocchi, flour your hands and work surface to keep the dough from sticking.

Cutting Size: For uniform cooking, cut the gnocchi into pieces about the size of the tip of your index finger. This helps ensure they cook evenly.

Cooking in Batches: Don’t overcrowd the pot when boiling the gnocchi. Cooking in small batches allows them to float and cook properly.

Storage: If you make extra gnocchi, they can be frozen. Lay them out on a floured tray to freeze, then transfer to a freezer bag.

Serving Suggestions: Serve the gnocchi with a generous drizzle of melted butter and a sprinkle of cheese. Pair it with your favorite marinara sauce and meatballs for a hearty meal.

Gnocchi Texture: To achieve the best texture, avoid overworking the dough; it should be soft but not too sticky.

Experiment with Flavors: Feel free to add herbs or spices to the gnocchi dough for added flavor, such as basil, oregano, or garlic powder.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 450 | Total Fat: 20g | Saturated Fat: 10g | Cholesterol: 150mg | Sodium: 600mg | Total Carbohydrates: 50g | Dietary Fiber: 2g | Sugars: 2g | Protein: 20g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use store-bought ricotta?

Yes, store-bought ricotta works well. Just ensure it’s not too watery; drain any excess liquid if necessary.

What can I use instead of flour?

You can use gluten-free flour or almond flour for a gluten-free version, but the texture may differ slightly.

How do I know when the gnocchi are cooked?

They’re done when they float to the surface of the boiling water, which usually takes about 2-3 minutes.

Can I make the gnocchi in advance?

Yes! You can prepare the gnocchi ahead of time and refrigerate them.

For longer storage, freeze them in a single layer and then transfer to a freezer bag.

What sauce pairs best with ricotta gnocchi?

A simple marinara, pesto, or a creamy sauce works well.

You can also drizzle them with melted butter and sprinkle with cheese.

How can I add flavor to the gnocchi dough?

You can add herbs like basil or parsley, or even a pinch of garlic powder to enhance the flavor.

What type of meat can I use for the meatballs?

Ground beef, pork, turkey, or chicken all work well.

You can also use a mix of meats for extra flavor.

How long do the meatballs need to cook?

Bake the meatballs at 375°F (190°C) for about 20-25 minutes or until fully cooked through, depending on their size.

Can I make this recipe vegetarian?

Yes! Omit the meatballs or substitute them with plant-based meat alternatives and serve with a vegetarian sauce.

What’s the best way to store leftovers?

Store leftover gnocchi and meatballs in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Reheat gently on the stove or in the microwave.

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