Pasta e Ceci

Embark on a journey to the heart of Italian comfort cuisine with Pasta e Ceci, a simple yet satisfying dish that celebrates the marriage of pasta and chickpeas. Whether you opt for dried chickpeas soaked overnight or canned chickpeas for convenience, this recipe promises a bowl of creamy pasta goodness infused with the earthy flavors of garlic, olive oil, and fresh parsley.

From the comforting aroma of sizzling garlic in olive oil to the simmering of chickpeas and pasta in a flavorful broth, every step of the cooking process invites you to savor the essence of Italian home cooking. As the pasta cooks to al dente perfection, it absorbs the rich flavors of the chickpea broth, resulting in a creamy and indulgent texture that is sure to warm your soul.

With its simplicity and versatility, Pasta e Ceci is the epitome of Italian comfort food—a dish to be enjoyed any day of the week, whether freshly prepared or reheated for a delicious encore. So gather your ingredients and prepare to delight in a bowl of warm, comforting goodness that brings the flavors of Italy to your table. Buon appetito!

How to make Pasta e Ceci


160 g of short pasta ( casarecce , wheels, tubes, mixed)

250g of dried chickpeas or 400g of canned chickpeas

2 cloves of garlic

3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

1 bunch of fresh parsley (or rosemary)



How to make Pasta and chickpeas

First of all, soak the dried chickpeas with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda for about 12 hours (1 night), a step that you can skip if you use canned chickpeas.

Then fry the previously peeled and crushed garlic cloves in the oil in a large pan for 1 minute.

Add the chickpeas, leave to brown in the pan over high heat, stirring for 1 minute. Add the chopped parsley.

If you have used dried chickpeas, add 3 glasses of water and cook for about 40 – 50 minutes with the lid on until they are soft.

If you used boiled chickpeas, add just 1 glass of water and cook for 5 minutes over low heat with a lid.

Finally, take 1 ladle full of chickpeas and set aside.

Then add about 2 glasses of water to the pan, boil and add the pasta you have chosen:

At this point, cook on a very low heat for the necessary time required for the pasta. It changes depending on the size and format! for the casarecce it will take about 12 minutes, but check carefully and above all turn often, so that the pasta does not stick to the bottom and is creamy.

The final result must be a creamy, enveloping pasta with chickpeas

A few minutes from the end, remove the garlic; add the salt, the ladle of chickpeas set aside and another handful of chopped parsley. Turn and complete cooking.

The Pasta and chickpeas are ready . Serve it hot!

If you cooked the pasta al dente, you can reheat it for the next day.


Ingredient Flexibility: This recipe offers flexibility in ingredient choices, allowing for the use of various short pasta shapes such as casarecce, wheels, or tubes, depending on personal preference.

Chickpea Preparation: If using dried chickpeas, soaking them overnight with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda helps to soften them. However, this step can be skipped when using canned chickpeas for convenience.

Aromatic Base: Frying peeled and crushed garlic cloves in extra virgin olive oil forms a flavorful aromatic base for the dish, infusing the entire recipe with a rich, garlicky essence.

Chickpea Cooking: When using dried chickpeas, cooking them in water with the lid on for approximately 40-50 minutes ensures they become soft and tender. Alternatively, canned chickpeas can be heated with a small amount of water for a shorter period.

Pasta Addition: Adding the pasta to the chickpea mixture and cooking it on low heat ensures that it absorbs the flavors of the broth and achieves a creamy consistency. Careful monitoring and frequent stirring prevent the pasta from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Final Seasoning: Removing the garlic cloves towards the end of cooking prevents them from overpowering the dish. Adding salt, reserved chickpeas, and chopped parsley adds depth of flavor and freshness to the finished pasta e ceci.

Presentation and Serving: The dish is served hot, providing comfort and warmth, especially on chilly days. Leftovers can be reheated, making it a convenient option for future meals.

Versatile Toppings: Optional toppings such as diced tomatoes, salsa, sour cream, or guacamole can be added according to personal preference, enhancing the dish’s flavor and texture.

Creamy Texture: The final result should be a creamy and enveloping pasta with chickpeas, showcasing the harmonious blend of flavors and textures in each bite.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 300 kcal | Protein: 10 grams | Fat: 10 grams | Carbohydrates: 40 grams | Fiber: 8 grams | Sodium: 300 mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use canned chickpeas instead of dried chickpeas?

Yes, you can use canned chickpeas to save time.

Just make sure to drain and rinse them before using.

Do I need to soak the dried chickpeas overnight?

It’s recommended to soak dried chickpeas overnight with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to help soften them.

However, you can skip this step if you’re using canned chickpeas.

Can I use other herbs besides parsley or rosemary?

Yes, feel free to use other herbs like thyme or basil for additional flavor.

How long should I cook the dried chickpeas?

If using dried chickpeas, cook them for about 40-50 minutes with the lid on until they are soft.

The cooking time may vary depending on the type and freshness of the chickpeas.

What should I do if the pasta sticks to the bottom of the pan?

Be sure to turn the pasta often while cooking on low heat to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Adding a little more water or broth can also help loosen it.

Can I customize the recipe with additional ingredients?

Yes, you can add ingredients like diced tomatoes, spinach, or pancetta for extra flavor and texture.

How do I know when the pasta is cooked perfectly?

Check the pasta for doneness by tasting it.

It should be tender but still slightly firm to the bite, known as al dente.

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

Yes, you can make Pasta e Ceci ahead of time and reheat it for the next day.

Just add a splash of water or broth when reheating to maintain the creamy consistency.

What can I serve with Pasta e Ceci?

Serve it with crusty bread or a side salad for a complete meal.

You can also top it with grated Parmesan cheese or a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

How long does Pasta e Ceci last in the fridge?

Store leftover Pasta e Ceci in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

Reheat it on the stovetop or in the microwave until heated through before serving.

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