Air Fryer Salsa


4 roma tomatoes

2 tomatillos

3 unpeeled cloves of garlic

2 serranos with stems

2 jalapenos with stems

1/2 white onion


Drizzle with olive oil and put in the air fryer at 400 degrees for 15 mins.

After cooking, cut stems off peppers and peel garlic.

Put all together in the blender with 1 tsp of chicken bouillon and 1/2 tsp salt.

I added a half a bunch of cilantro because I love cilantro.

Pulsed the blender until I got the consistency I wanted.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 50kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 3g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I adjust the spice level of the salsa?

Yes, you can adjust the spice level of the salsa by adding more or fewer serranos and jalapenos.

If you prefer a milder salsa, you can reduce the amount of these peppers or remove the seeds and membranes before blending.

On the other hand, if you like it spicier, you can increase the number of peppers or include the seeds.

Can I substitute or omit certain ingredients?

Yes, you can customize the recipe based on your preferences. If you don’t have tomatillos, you can omit them or replace them with additional tomatoes.

Similarly, if you don’t have serranos or jalapenos, you can use other types of chili peppers. The white onion can be substituted with a different type of onion if desired.

Can I use fresh herbs instead of dried bouillon?

Yes, you can use fresh herbs like cilantro to enhance the flavor of the salsa. Adding a half bunch of cilantro, as mentioned in the recipe, will provide a fresh and aromatic taste.

If you prefer, you can experiment with other herbs such as parsley or basil to add your preferred flavors.

How long can I store the salsa?

Air Fryer Salsa can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-5 days. Make sure to allow it to cool completely before transferring it to the container.

Proper storage will help maintain its freshness and flavor.

Can I use a regular oven instead of an air fryer?

Yes, if you don’t have an air fryer, you can use a regular oven to roast the vegetables.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, follow the same instructions for drizzling with olive oil, and roast the vegetables on a baking sheet for about 15-20 minutes or until they are tender and slightly charred.

Then proceed with the remaining steps of the recipe.

Can I adjust the cooking time and temperature for the air fryer?

Yes, the cooking time and temperature can be adjusted based on your preference and the desired level of doneness.

If you prefer a softer and more roasted texture, you can increase the cooking time slightly. Similarly, if you want a lighter char or less cooking time, you can reduce the cooking time.

It’s important to monitor the salsa while it’s cooking to achieve the desired results.

Can I use different types of peppers in the salsa?

Absolutely! The recipe suggests using serranos and jalapenos, but you can experiment with other chili peppers to customize the level of spiciness and flavor.

Whether you prefer milder or hotter salsa, you can substitute or combine different types of peppers according to your taste preferences.

Is it necessary to peel the garlic cloves?

Peeling the garlic cloves after cooking in the air fryer is an optional step. If you prefer a milder garlic flavor, you can leave the cloves unpeeled and blend them with the other ingredients.

However, if you want a more subtle garlic taste, you can peel the cloves before adding them to the blender.

Can I omit the chicken bouillon or use a substitute?

If you prefer to make the salsa vegetarian or simply don’t have chicken bouillon on hand, you can omit it from the recipe or use a vegetable bouillon or broth as a substitute.

The chicken bouillon adds some additional flavor, but the salsa will still be delicious without it.

How can I adjust the consistency of the salsa?

The recipe suggests pulsing the blender until you achieve the desired consistency. If you prefer a chunkier salsa, pulse the ingredients briefly, leaving some texture.

For a smoother salsa, blend the ingredients for a longer duration.

You can also add a small amount of water or lime juice if you prefer a thinner consistency.

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