German Potato Pancakes

Savor the delightful taste of German Potato Pancakes, a crispy and comforting dish that’s perfect for any meal. Made with finely grated Russet potatoes and onions, these pancakes boast a deliciously crispy exterior and a tender interior. Simple to prepare, they’re a fantastic way to enjoy the hearty flavors of traditional German cuisine.

Serve them hot with applesauce and a sprinkle of powdered sugar for a sweet twist, or pair them with sour cream for a savory option. Whether as a side dish or a main attraction, these potato pancakes are sure to be a hit!

German Potato Pancakes


2 ½ pounds Russet potatoes, or any starchy potato, peeled and grated very finely

1 yellow onion, grated very fine

2 large eggs

1 tsp salt

¼ cup all purpose flour

Oil for frying


Step 1:

After grating the potatoes, using a towel, thoroughly wring out all the liquid from the potatoes

Place the drained potatoes into a large bowl with the grated onion, salt, eggs and flour.

Mix it thoroughly with your hands, you want it to be somewhat tacky. Add a little more flour if it is too sticky

Step 2:

Heat 3 tbsp oil in a skillet

Place ⅓ to ½ a cup of mixture into the hot skillet

Step 3:

Fry for three to five minutes on each side, until they are golden.

Briefly drain on paper towels

Step 4:

Serve immediately, while hot with applesauce and a sprinkle of powdered sugar, sour cream or even yogurt.

These could also be served with meat and a gravy, using these as a side dish.



Potato Selection: Russet potatoes are ideal due to their high starch content, but Yukon Gold or other starchy varieties can also work well.

Moisture Removal: Wringing out the grated potatoes is crucial to achieve crispiness. Excess moisture can lead to soggy pancakes.

Grating Technique: Use the finest grater setting for a smoother mixture, which helps the pancakes hold together better.

Flavor Enhancements: Consider adding minced garlic, chives, or parsley to the mixture for added flavor.

Frying Oil: Use a neutral oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable oil or canola oil, for frying.

Cooking Temperature: Ensure the oil is hot before adding the mixture; otherwise, the pancakes may absorb too much oil and become greasy.

Serving Options: Besides applesauce and sour cream, try serving with smoked salmon, pickles, or a light salad for a complete meal.

Make Ahead: You can prepare the potato mixture in advance and refrigerate it for a few hours before frying, but make sure to mix it again if it separates.

Freezing: Cooked pancakes can be frozen. Cool them completely, then place in a single layer in a freezer bag. Reheat in a toaster oven for crispness.

Leftover Storage: Store any leftover pancakes in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat in a skillet for the best texture.

Nutrition Information:


Amount Per Serving:


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a different type of potato for the pancakes?

Yes, you can use starchy potatoes like Yukon Gold or even red potatoes.

The key is to have finely grated potatoes for the best texture.

Is it necessary to peel the potatoes?

It’s recommended to peel the potatoes for a smoother texture, but you can leave the skin on if you prefer a more rustic pancake.

Why do I need to wring out the liquid from the potatoes?

Removing excess moisture ensures crispiness when frying.

Dry potatoes result in a better texture for the pancakes.

Can I make the batter ahead of time?

It’s best to make the batter just before frying to prevent the potatoes from releasing too much moisture, affecting the consistency.

What’s the purpose of adding flour to the batter?

Flour helps bind the ingredients and provides structure to the pancakes.

Adjust the amount to achieve the desired consistency.

What type of oil is best for frying?

Vegetable oil or sunflower oil works well for frying.

Use an oil with a high smoke point.

How much batter should I use for each pancake?

Use 1/3 to 1/2 cup of batter for each pancake, depending on your preferred size.

Flatten them to an even thickness for even cooking.

Can I freeze leftover potato pancakes?

Yes, you can freeze them. Allow them to cool, place parchment paper between each pancake, and store in a sealed container.

Reheat in the oven for crispiness.

What are the traditional toppings for German Potato Pancakes?

Traditional toppings include applesauce, powdered sugar, sour cream, or yogurt.

You can also serve them with savory options like meat and gravy.

How should I store any leftover batter?

If you have leftover batter, cover it tightly and store it in the refrigerator for a day.

Stir it before using, and adjust the consistency if needed.

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