Bacon Cheeseburger Quesadillas


1/2lb smoky bacon (chopped)

1 ½lbs ground beef

salt and pepper (to taste)

ketchup and mustard (to taste)

2 ½ cups shredded cheddar cheese

16 dill pickle slices

1/2 cup onion (chopped)

8 (10 inches) flour tortillas

butter (for spreading)

For garnish

shredded lettuce

diced tomato


Step 1:

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat.

Add chopped bacon and cook until crisp.

Remove from the pan and drain on paper towels.

Pour some of the bacon fat from the pan (reserving a little).

Add ground beef to the same pan, and cook ground beef while breaking it up into chunks with a spatula or spoon.

Cook until the beef is fully cooked.

Drain off any excess grease.

Add the bacon back into the pan and season with the mixture with salt and pepper to taste.

Stir in ketchup and mustard to taste.

Step 2:

Heat a large non-stick frypan over medium heat.

Spread butter lightly on one side of the flour tortilla shell.

Place the tortilla butter side down into the pan.

Step 3:

Sprinkle a layer of cheese evenly over the entire tortilla.

On half of the tortilla sprinkle a layer of the meat mixture, a layer of chopped onion, and 2 dill pickle slices.

Cook until the cheese has melted and the bottom has browned.

Using a spatula fold the tortilla in half and press down the edges gently.

Remove from the pan.

Repeat with remaining tortillas.

Slice each quesadilla into three triangles.

Serve with lettuce and tomato.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 370 | Total Fat: 22g | Saturated Fat: 11g | Cholesterol: 90mg | Sodium: 750mg | Total Carbohydrates: 19g | Dietary Fiber: 1g | Sugars: 2g | Protein: 23g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use other types of cheese for these quesadillas?

Certainly! While the recipe calls for shredded cheddar cheese, you can experiment with other types of cheeses that melt well, such as Monterey Jack, Pepper Jack, or a cheese blend.

How do I prevent the quesadilla from falling apart when folding it?

To prevent the quesadilla from falling apart, make sure not to overload it with too many ingredients. Be mindful of the filling quantity and distribute it evenly.

When folding, press down gently on the edges to seal them.

Can I make these quesadillas ahead of time?

You can prepare the filling components (bacon, ground beef mixture) ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator.

Assemble and cook the quesadillas just before serving to maintain their texture and flavor.

Are there any alternatives to using bacon fat for cooking the beef?

If you prefer not to use bacon fat, you can use a neutral cooking oil like vegetable or canola oil to cook the ground beef.

This will still provide flavor and help cook the beef evenly.

Can I customize the toppings to my preference?

Absolutely! The garnishes can be personalized to your taste.

You can add or omit any of the suggested toppings.

Salsa, guacamole, sour cream, or even jalapeños can be added based on your preferences.

Can I use turkey bacon instead of smoky bacon?

Yes, you can substitute turkey bacon for smoky bacon if you prefer a leaner option.

Keep in mind that the flavor and texture might differ slightly.

Can I use whole wheat tortillas instead of flour tortillas?

Absolutely! You can use whole wheat tortillas to add a nuttier flavor and extra fiber to the quesadillas.

They will still work well with the other ingredients.

Can I add other toppings to the quesadillas?

Certainly! Feel free to get creative with additional toppings like sautéed mushrooms, jalapeños, or different types of cheese.

Just be mindful not to overcrowd the quesadilla.

Is it necessary to use both ketchup and mustard in the filling?

No, the ketchup and mustard are optional and can be adjusted according to your taste preferences.

You can use one or the other, or even skip them if you prefer.

Can I make a vegetarian version of these quesadillas?

Absolutely! You can make a vegetarian version by omitting the ground beef and bacon.

Instead, you can use plant-based alternatives like cooked and seasoned black beans or crumbled tofu as the filling.

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