Creamy Chicken Alfredo Lasagna

Creamy Chicken Alfredo Lasagna


Alfredo Sauce:

3 cloves garlic, minced

½ cup (1 stick) butter

¼ tsp nutmeg

1 cup chicken broth (or vegetable)

1 cup heavy cream

Juice of ½ lemon

1 ½ cups grated parmesan cheese

Ricotta Layer:

14 oz ricotta cheese

½ cup pesto

1 large egg, lightly beaten

Lasagna Layers:

1 cup fresh baby spinach

1 box lasagna noodles

2–3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

2–3 cups cooked and shredded chicken

3 tablespoons fresh parsley


Step 1:

Start by cooking the lasagna noodles as, per the instructions on the package.

Once cooked drain them.

Set them aside.

Step 2:

Next prepare the ricotta layer by combining ricotta cheese, pesto and a beaten egg in a bowl.

Mix everything together until well combined.

Step 3:

For the Alfredo sauce melt butter in a pan over low heat.

Add minced garlic.

Stir in chicken broth and cream gradually followed by parmesan cheese to ensure smoothness.

Add nutmeg and lemon juice while stirring continuously.

Be careful not to let it come to a boil.

Step 4:

To assemble the lasagna begin by spreading a layer of Alfredo sauce at the bottom of a 9×13 inch pan.

Then create layers using noodles, ricotta mixture, shredded chicken, baby spinach leaves, mozzarella cheese and more sauce.

Repeat these layers until you’ve used up all your ingredients.

Finish with another layer of sauce on top along with mozzarella cheese and fresh parsley, for added flavor.

Step 5:

Cover the pan with foil.

Bake it at 350°F for 30 minutes to allow everything to cook through.

After that time has elapsed, remove the foil.

Continue baking for 15 to 20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165°F.

Step 6:

Once done baking let it cool slightly before slicing it into servings.

Enjoy your cheesy creation!


To enjoy a gluten-free version of this recipe just swap out the regular lasagna noodles with gluten-free ones. You can easily find gluten-free lasagna noodles, at supermarkets or specialty stores. Make sure all the other ingredients, like chicken broth and pesto are also certified gluten-free to prevent any cross-contamination. By making these changes you can relish in the Creamy Chicken Alfredo Lasagna while staying gluten-free.

Layering Technique: The layering process in this recipe ensures that every bite is filled with delicious flavors and textures, from the creamy Alfredo sauce to the savory shredded chicken and ricotta mixture.

Fresh vs. Store-bought Ingredients: While store-bought Alfredo sauce can be used for convenience, making the sauce from scratch adds a homemade touch and depth of flavor. Similarly, fresh ingredients like garlic, parsley, and lemon juice enhance the overall taste of the dish.

Gluten-Free Option: By substituting regular lasagna noodles with gluten-free ones, this recipe becomes suitable for those with gluten sensitivities. It’s essential to ensure that all ingredients, including chicken broth and pesto, are certified gluten-free to prevent cross-contamination.

Vegetarian Variation: To make a vegetarian version of this lasagna, simply omit the shredded chicken and use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth. This modification allows vegetarians to enjoy the creamy richness of the dish without meat.

Make-ahead Convenience: Preparing the lasagna in advance and refrigerating it allows for easy baking later. This is perfect for busy days or when entertaining guests, as you can have the lasagna ready to pop into the oven whenever needed.

Customization Options: Feel free to customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences. You can experiment with different cheeses in place of mozzarella or add extra ingredients like sun-dried tomatoes or spinach to the ricotta layer for added flavor and nutrition.

Freezing Leftovers: Leftover portions of lasagna can be frozen for future enjoyment. Ensure proper wrapping and storage to maintain freshness, and reheat individual portions as needed for a quick and satisfying meal.

Substitutes and Alternatives: If you’re missing ingredients like nutmeg or pesto, don’t worry—there are plenty of substitutes available. You can omit certain ingredients or use alternatives like ground white pepper or different herbs to adjust the flavor according to your preferences.

Side Dish Suggestions: Pair this creamy chicken Alfredo lasagna with simple side dishes like a crisp green salad, garlic bread, or steamed vegetables to complete the meal. These accompaniments provide balance and freshness to the rich and comforting flavors of the lasagna.

Presentation and Serving: Once baked to perfection, allow the lasagna to cool slightly before slicing into servings. Garnish with fresh parsley for a pop of color and serve alongside your chosen side dishes for a memorable dining experience. Enjoy the cheesy goodness of this comforting dish with family and friends!

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 400 calories | Protein: 20 grams | Carbohydrates: 30 grams | Dietary Fiber: 2 grams | Sugars: 2 grams | Fat: 24 grams | Saturated Fat: 14 grams | Cholesterol: 100 milligrams | Sodium: 600 milligrams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use store-bought Alfredo sauce instead of making it from scratch?

Yes, you can use store-bought Alfredo sauce to save time.

However, making the sauce from scratch gives this lasagna a richer flavor.

Can I make this lasagna vegetarian?

Absolutely! You can omit the shredded chicken and use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth to make it a delicious vegetarian option.

Can I prepare this lasagna in advance and bake it later?

Yes, you can assemble the lasagna in advance and refrigerate it.

When you’re ready to bake, simply preheat the oven and follow the baking instructions.

You may need to add a few extra minutes to the baking time if the lasagna is cold from the fridge.

Is there a substitute for pesto in the ricotta layer?

If you don’t have pesto or prefer a different flavor, you can use finely chopped fresh basil, sun-dried tomatoes, or spinach as alternatives in the ricotta layer.

Can I freeze leftover lasagna?

Yes, you can freeze leftover lasagna.

Cut it into individual portions, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap and aluminum foil, and store them in an airtight container.

When ready to eat, thaw and reheat in the oven or microwave.

Can I use a different type of cheese in place of mozzarella?

Certainly! While mozzarella is commonly used in lasagna, you can experiment with other cheeses like provolone, cheddar, or a blend of Italian cheeses for a different flavor profile.

Can I make this lasagna with no-boil noodles?

Yes, you can use no-boil lasagna noodles, but you may need to adjust the amount of sauce and cooking time.

Follow the instructions on the package for no-boil noodles and ensure there is enough sauce to properly cook them.

Is there a substitute for nutmeg in the Alfredo sauce?

If you don’t have nutmeg or prefer a different flavor, you can omit it or use a pinch of ground white pepper or a small amount of grated nutmeg substitutes like mace or cinnamon.

Can I use frozen spinach instead of fresh baby spinach?

Yes, you can use frozen spinach. Thaw and drain it well before layering it in the lasagna.

You may need to squeeze out excess moisture to prevent the lasagna from becoming too watery.

What can I serve as a side dish with this lasagna?

A simple side salad with a vinaigrette dressing, garlic bread, or steamed vegetables like broccoli or asparagus are excellent options to complement this creamy chicken Alfredo lasagna.

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