Pecan Pie Cobbler


6 tablespoons 84 grams of unsalted butter

1 1/2 cups 170 grams pecans, roughly chopped

1 1/2 cups 187.5 grams self-rising flour

1 1/2 cups 300 grams sugar

2/3 cup 158 ml whole milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups 300 grams brown sugar, packed

1 1/2 cups 355 ml hot water


Preheat the oven to 350º F (175º C).

Place the 6 tablespoons of butter in a 9×13-inch baking dish and place the dish in the oven to melt the butter.

Sprinkle the chopped pecans over the melted butter and set the baking dish aside.

In a large bowl, whisk together the self-rising flour, sugar, whole milk, and vanilla extract until the mixture comes together.

Pour the batter over the pecans in the baking dish, spreading it gently into an even layer. Do not mix the pecans into the batter once it has been poured into the baking dish.

Sprinkle the brown sugar in an even layer on top of the batter, without mixing.

Carefully pour the hot water on top of the brown sugar.

Place the baking dish in the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until the cake is golden brown.

Remove the baking dish from the oven and let it cool for at least 15 minutes before serving.


Make sure to use self-rising flour in this recipe. If you don’t have self-rising flour, you can make your own by adding 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of all-purpose flour.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 478 kcal | Total Fat: 21g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 26mg | Sodium: 310mg | Total Carbohydrates: 71g | Dietary Fiber: 2g | Sugars: 55g | Protein: 4g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use salted butter instead of unsalted butter?

Yes, you can use salted butter, but it may slightly alter the overall taste of the cobbler. If you use salted butter, you may want to reduce the amount of additional salt in the recipe to avoid making the dessert too salty.

Can I use a different type of nuts instead of pecans?

Absolutely! While the recipe calls for pecans, you can use other nuts like walnuts, almonds, or hazelnuts if you prefer or have allergies to pecans.

Can I substitute self-rising flour with all-purpose flour?

Yes, you can replace self-rising flour with all-purpose flour, but you’ll need to add baking powder and salt to the all-purpose flour to achieve the same leavening effect.

For every cup of all-purpose flour, you can add 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

Can I use a different type of milk, like almond milk or soy milk?

Yes, you can substitute whole milk with other types of milk, such as almond milk or soy milk, if you prefer or have dietary restrictions.

Keep in mind that using a different type of milk may slightly alter the taste and texture of the cobbler.

Can I refrigerate leftovers?

Yes, you can store any leftover Pecan Pie Cobbler in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

To reheat, you can warm it in the microwave or oven until heated through.

Can I use a different type of flour in this recipe?

The recipe calls for self-rising flour, which already contains leavening agents. If you don’t have self-rising flour, you can use all-purpose flour, but you’ll need to add baking powder (1 1/2 teaspoons per cup of all-purpose flour) and salt (1/4 teaspoon per cup of all-purpose flour) to achieve similar results.

Can I reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe?

Yes, you can adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. If you prefer a less sweet cobbler, you can reduce the sugar in both the batter and the brown sugar topping.

However, keep in mind that sugar also contributes to the structure and moisture of the dessert, so making significant changes may affect the final result.

Can I make this cobbler ahead of time and reheat it later?

Yes, you can make the cobbler ahead of time and reheat it later. After baking, let it cool to room temperature, then cover it with foil or transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate.

When you’re ready to serve, reheat individual portions in the microwave or the entire cobbler in the oven until warmed through.

Can I add other ingredients to the cobbler, like chocolate chips or dried fruits?

Certainly! You can customize the cobbler by adding ingredients like chocolate chips, dried fruits, or even coconut flakes for extra flavor and texture.

Just be mindful of the additional ingredients’ moisture content, as it may affect the cobbler’s consistency.

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