Paccheri Con Zucchine E Gamberi


500 gr. Paccheri type pasta

1 garlic

extra virgin olive oil to taste

1 glass of white wine

200 gr. cleaned and peeled prawns

2 courgettes

parsley to taste

Salt and Pepper To Taste


Brown the poached garlic in a pan with oil.

As soon as the oil becomes fragrant, add the prawns and brown them.

Wash the courgettes and grate them using a large mesh grater.

Add the white wine to the prawns and let the alcohol evaporate, then add the courgettes and season with salt.

The vegetables will cook quickly, just enough time to boil the pasta.

Serve the paccheri with courgettes and prawns piping hot, with a little freshly chopped parsley and freshly ground pepper.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 550 | Total Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 1.5g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 70mg | Sodium: 350mg | Total Carbohydrates: 90g | Dietary Fiber: 6g | Sugars: 4g | Protein: 25g

Frequently Asked Questions:

What type of pasta is Paccheri, and can I substitute it with another pasta?

Paccheri is a large, tubular pasta.

You can substitute it with other large pasta shapes like rigatoni or mezzi rigatoni.

Can I use frozen prawns for this recipe?

Yes, you can use frozen prawns.

Make sure to thaw them before cooking.

How fine should I grate the courgettes?

Use a large mesh grater to grate the courgettes, creating coarse shreds.

Can I use a different type of wine instead of white wine?

While white wine complements the dish well, you can use a dry vermouth or chicken broth as alternatives.

Should I remove the garlic after browning, or leave it in the pan?

You can leave the garlic in the pan for additional flavor, but remove it before serving if you prefer a milder taste.

How long should I cook the prawns?

Cook the prawns until they turn pink and opaque, typically 2-3 minutes on each side.

Can I add other vegetables to this dish?

Absolutely! Consider adding cherry tomatoes, spinach, or bell peppers for extra color and flavor.

How do I prevent the pasta from sticking together?

Stir the pasta occasionally while boiling and add a bit of olive oil to the boiling water to prevent sticking.

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

It’s best served fresh, but you can prepare components in advance and assemble just before serving.

What can I substitute for parsley if I don’t have it?

Fresh basil or cilantro can be good substitutes for parsley in this recipe.

Adjust according to your taste preference.

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