Original Corn Dogs Recipe


¾ cup Yellow Cornmeal

1 egg, lightly beaten

¾ cup flour, All Purpose

1 tbsp granulated sugar

¼ tsp salt

1 ½ tsp Baking Powder

2 tbsp Vegetable Oil

¾ cup Buttermilk

2 tbsp Honey

2 quarts Oil, for cooking

12 Hot Dogs

12 wooden skewers


Heat oil in a large pot until it reaches 350*

In a large bowl combine the flour, yellow corn meal, sugar, salt, baking powder and whisk together

In another bowl combine the oil, buttermilk, egg and honey

Combine the wet mixture into the dry mixture until smooth

Let the bowl with the batter rest for approximately 10 minutes

When the oil has reached 350*, stick a skewer into each hot dog

Dip the hot dog into the batter and then place into the hot oil

Let cook for 2 to 3 minutes

When cooked, remove and place on a paper towel lined tray or plate

Serve with your favorite sauce or ketchup and mustard


Nutrition Information:


Amount Per Serving: CALORIES: 1578 | TOTAL FAT: 167g | SATURATED FAT: 16g | TRANS FAT: 1g | UNSATURATED FAT: 142g | CHOLESTEROL: 44mg | SODIUM: 556mg | CARBOHYDRATES: 18g | FIBER: 1g | SUGAR: 5g | PROTEIN: 8g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of flour instead of all-purpose flour?

Yes, you can experiment with different types of flour such as whole wheat flour or gluten-free flour blends, but the texture and taste may vary slightly.

Can I use a different type of sweetener instead of granulated sugar?

Yes, you can substitute granulated sugar with alternatives like brown sugar, maple syrup, or agave nectar, adjusting the quantity to taste.

What can I use as a substitute for buttermilk?

If you don’t have buttermilk on hand, you can make a substitute by adding 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar to 1 cup of milk.

Let it sit for a few minutes before using it in the recipe.

Is it necessary to let the batter rest for 10 minutes?

Allowing the batter to rest helps the ingredients meld together and improves the texture of the corn dogs.

However, if you’re short on time, you can skip this step, but the texture may not be as ideal.

Can I bake these corn dogs instead of frying them?

Yes, you can bake the corn dogs in the oven at 375°F for about 15-20 minutes or until they are golden brown and cooked through.

Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper for easy cleanup.

How do I know when the oil is ready for frying?

Use a kitchen thermometer to ensure the oil reaches 350°F before frying.

Alternatively, you can drop a small piece of bread or batter into the oil; if it sizzles and browns within a few seconds, the oil is ready.

Can I use different types of sausages instead of hot dogs?

Yes, you can use different types of sausages such as chicken sausages, vegetarian sausages, or even cheese-filled sausages for variety.

How can I keep the corn dogs warm while frying the remaining batch?

You can keep the cooked corn dogs warm in a preheated oven set to the lowest temperature, or cover them loosely with aluminum foil while you fry the remaining batch.

Can I freeze leftover corn dogs?

Yes, you can freeze leftover corn dogs for future enjoyment. Allow them to cool completely, then wrap them individually in plastic wrap and place them in an airtight container or freezer bag.

They can be reheated in the oven or microwave when ready to eat.

What are some creative dipping sauce ideas for corn dogs?

Along with classic ketchup and mustard, you can try dipping sauces like sriracha mayo, barbecue sauce, honey mustard, or ranch dressing for added flavor variety.

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