Old Fashioned Potato Candy

Indulge in a delightful taste of nostalgia with this Old Fashioned Potato Candy recipe. A charming throwback to simpler times, this sweet treat combines the unlikely yet harmonious pairing of mashed potato and creamy peanut butter, resulting in a uniquely delicious confection. With just a handful of ingredients and straightforward instructions, you’ll be transported to grandma’s kitchen as you whip up this classic candy.

Whether enjoyed as a special homemade treat or shared with loved ones during festive gatherings, this Old Fashioned Potato Candy promises to evoke fond memories and satisfy sweet cravings alike.

Old Fashioned Potato Candy


6 cups powdered sugar, plus more if needed

1/2 cup russet potato, mashed and cooled (about 1 large potato)

1/3 cup creamy peanut butter

1 tablespoon milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/8 teaspoon salt


Step 1:

In a large bowl, beat mashed potato, milk, vanilla, and salt with an electric mixer on medium speed for 2 minutes.

Step 2:

Mix in powdered sugar, 1 cup at a time, until a dough has formed.

Once you’ve added in 6 cups, if you need more, add in 1 tablespoon increments.

Dough should be thick, slightly thicker than cookie dough.

Step 3:

Form dough into a ball and dust with powdered sugar.

On a sheet of wax or parchment paper, roll dough into 1/8-inch thick rectangle.

Trim to 10×12-inches.

Step 4:

Generously sprinkle powdered sugar over top of dough and place another piece of parchment paper over it.

Invert the rectangle of dough and discard the paper that is now on top (the one you used to roll out the dough).

Step 5:

Spread peanut butter evenly over dough.

Roll dough tightly long-side to long-side using parchment paper to guide it, jelly-roll style.

Wrap in parchment and freeze for 1 hour.

Cut into 1/4-inch thick slices and serve.

Enjoy! Leftover candy should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.


Unique Ingredients: This recipe incorporates mashed potato into a sweet candy mixture, adding a distinct texture and flavor.

Simple Preparation: With just a handful of ingredients and straightforward instructions, it’s easy to whip up this nostalgic treat.

Adjusting Consistency: The amount of powdered sugar may need to be adjusted to achieve the desired dough consistency. Add more if needed, gradually, to avoid making the dough too dry or too sticky.

Texture and Thickness: The dough should resemble cookie dough in thickness, making it pliable for rolling.

Rolling Technique: Rolling out the dough between parchment paper helps prevent sticking and ensures an even thickness.

Chilling the Candy: Freezing the rolled dough before slicing helps it maintain its shape and makes slicing easier.

Storage: Leftover candy should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.

Variations: While this recipe uses peanut butter as the filling, you can experiment with different fillings like chocolate spread or marshmallow cream for variety.

Traditional Charm: This recipe carries the charm of old-fashioned homemade candies, perfect for sharing with family and friends or as a nostalgic treat for yourself.

Enjoyment: Indulge in the simple pleasure of homemade candy with this delightful recipe that’s sure to evoke warm memories and satisfy your sweet tooth.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 150 | Total Fat: 3 grams | Saturated Fat: 1 grams | Sodium: Less than 100 milligrams | Total Carbohydrates: 30 grams | Protein: 1 grams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I taste the potato in the candy?

No, the potato acts as a binder and provides moisture to the dough but is not discernible in the final candy.

Is there a substitute for powdered sugar?

Using granulated sugar won’t yield the same texture, but you can grind granulated sugar in a blender to make powdered sugar at home.

Can I use sweet potatoes instead of russet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes have a different flavor and moisture content, which may affect the texture and taste of the candy.

It’s best to stick with russet potatoes for this recipe.

Can I omit the peanut butter or use a different nut butter?

Peanut butter adds flavor and texture to the candy.

While you can try using other nut butters, it will alter the taste and consistency of the candy.

How long does the candy need to freeze?

Freezing the candy for about an hour helps it firm up, making it easier to slice.

You can freeze it longer if desired.

Can I make this candy without freezing it?

Freezing helps the candy hold its shape when sliced.

Skipping this step may result in a softer texture and difficulty in cutting neat slices.

How long does the candy last?

Stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, the candy can last for up to a week.

Can I add other flavorings or extracts to the dough?

Yes, you can experiment with different extracts such as almond or maple for additional flavor.

Can I roll the dough thicker or thinner than 1/8 inch?

Rolling the dough thinner may make it harder to handle, while rolling it thicker may result in larger, softer candies.

Aim for consistency for even cooking.

Can I store the candy at room temperature?

Due to its high sugar content and peanut butter, it’s best to store the candy in the refrigerator to prevent it from becoming too soft or sticky.

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