Crispy Spicy Potato Wedges With Green Chile Gravy For Dipping

How to make Crispy Spicy Potato Wedges With Green Chile Gravy For Dipping

Scrub your potatoes and slice into 8 wedges each.

Rinse well and pat dry.

Drizzle oil and toss potatoes until coated, then heavily spice (I used powdered green chile, fresh cracked pepper, ranch dip seasoning and Parmesan cheese).

The last step in a dip in panko bread crumbs then baked at 400 for about 25 minutes, turning once halfway through.

Potato wedges oiled and ready for spice coating


2 tablespoons salted butter melted and lightly browned,

Whisk in 2 tablespoons of flour

Delicious green chile gravy

Slowly add in 1/4 cup half and half

Then one cup warm water. Salt, lots of black pepper

Finely chopped roasted green chile to preference.


Potato Preparation: Scrubbing the potatoes thoroughly before slicing them into wedges helps remove any dirt or debris. Slicing them into wedges ensures even cooking and provides a satisfying shape for dipping.

Oil Coating and Seasoning: Drizzling the potatoes with oil and thoroughly coating them ensures they crisp up nicely in the oven. The seasoning mix of powdered green chile, fresh cracked pepper, ranch dip seasoning, and Parmesan cheese adds layers of flavor and spice to the wedges.

Panko Coating: Dipping the seasoned potato wedges in panko bread crumbs before baking adds an extra layer of crispiness and texture to the final dish. This step enhances the overall crunchiness of the wedges.

Baking Instructions: Baking the coated potato wedges at 400°F for about 25 minutes, turning them halfway through, ensures they cook evenly and develop a crispy exterior while remaining tender on the inside.

Green Chile Gravy Preparation: The gravy adds a flavorful dipping sauce to accompany the potato wedges. Browning the butter adds a nutty flavor to the sauce. Whisking in flour helps thicken the gravy. Slowly adding half and half and warm water creates a creamy texture. Seasoning with salt and black pepper enhances the taste, while finely chopped roasted green chile adds a spicy kick and depth of flavor.

Nutrition Information:

Can I use any type of potato for this recipe?

Yes, you can use any type of potato you prefer.

Russet potatoes work well for wedges, but you can also try Yukon Gold or red potatoes.

Can I leave the skin on the potatoes?

Yes, you can leave the skin on if you prefer.

Just make sure to scrub the potatoes thoroughly before slicing.

What can I use if I don’t have powdered green chile?

If you don’t have powdered green chile, you can substitute with chili powder or cayenne pepper for heat, and add some dried herbs like oregano or basil for flavor.

Can I bake the potato wedges without the panko coating?

Yes, you can bake the potato wedges without the panko coating for a lighter option.

They will still turn out crispy and delicious.

Can I make the gravy ahead of time?

Yes, you can make the gravy ahead of time and reheat it when ready to serve.

Just store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Is there a substitute for half and half in the gravy?

Yes, you can substitute half and half with milk or heavy cream, depending on your preference.

Can I make the gravy without green chile?

Yes, you can omit the green chile if you prefer a milder gravy.

Alternatively, you can substitute with other herbs or spices for flavor.

How do I know when the potato wedges are done baking?

The potato wedges are done baking when they are golden brown and crispy on the outside and fork-tender on the inside.

Can I freeze the potato wedges for later?

Yes, you can freeze the potato wedges after baking them.

Allow them to cool completely, then store them in an airtight container or freezer bag.

Reheat in the oven or air fryer until crispy.

What can I serve these potato wedges with besides the green chile gravy?

These potato wedges are versatile and can be served with various dipping sauces such as ketchup, sour cream, or barbecue sauce.

They also pair well with burgers, sandwiches, or as a side dish for grilled meats.

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