Spaghetti al Tonno

Spaghetti al Tonno is a delightful Italian pasta dish featuring the rich flavors of tuna, tomatoes, capers, and olives, all brought together with garlic, chili pepper, and fresh parsley. This recipe combines pantry staples with fresh ingredients to create a savory and satisfying meal.

The tuna adds a unique depth of flavor, complemented by the tanginess of capers and the brininess of olives. Perfectly al dente spaghetti absorbs the flavors of the sauce, making each bite a burst of Mediterranean goodness. It’s a simple yet flavorful dish that is sure to become a favorite at your table.

How to make Spaghetti al Tonno


1 lb. bronze cut spaghetti

5 oz yellowfin tuna in oil (150 grams)

4 tbs extra virgin olive oil

2 cloves garlic sliced or whole

4 stalks parsley

1 hot chili pepper or 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

14 oz cherry Tomatoes in a can or peeled tomatoes cut in pieces (400 grams)

2 tablespoons capers in salt

1/2 cup kalama

ta/Gaeta olives

Salt (as needed).


Fill a large pot with water and salt place it on high heat. In the meantime start the sauce (sughetto).
In a large sauté pan add oil, garlic, parsley stalks (keep the top to garnish the spaghetti at the end) and chili pepper.

On medium heat let the ingredients release their flavor in the hot oil.

Remove the stalks and add the tomatoes.

Stir and break the cherry tomatoes and add the capers and olives.

Add the tuna and be gentle so it doesn’t all break apart.

As the sauce cooks the water should be boiling, add the spaghetti and a little under al dente remove them using a tong and add them to the sauce.

Stir gently and add a little pasta water if needed.

Chop fresh parsley on top before serving and enjoy.


Ingredients Choice: Opt for high-quality ingredients like bronze cut spaghetti, good quality yellowfin tuna in oil, extra virgin olive oil, and ripe cherry tomatoes for the best flavor.

Preparing the Sauce: Sautéing garlic, parsley stalks, and chili pepper in olive oil infuses the base with aromatic flavors. Removing the parsley stalks after cooking helps in maintaining a smoother sauce texture.

Tomato Preparation: Breaking down cherry tomatoes or using peeled tomatoes ensures a rich, textured sauce. Cook until the tomatoes break down and start melding with the other flavors.

Handling the Tuna: Add the tuna gently to prevent it from breaking apart completely. This preserves its texture and allows it to blend well with the sauce.

Cooking the Pasta: Cook the spaghetti to just under al dente as it will finish cooking in the sauce. Reserve some pasta water to adjust the consistency of the sauce if needed.

Final Touches: Before serving, garnish with freshly chopped parsley for a burst of fresh herb flavor.

Flavor Adjustments: Taste and adjust seasoning with salt as needed, considering that capers and olives also contribute saltiness.

Presentation: Serve immediately after combining the pasta with the sauce to enjoy the dish at its best texture and flavor.

Variations: Feel free to adjust the spiciness by controlling the amount of chili pepper or red pepper flakes according to your preference.

Enjoyment: Spaghetti al Tonno is best enjoyed fresh and hot, allowing all the flavors to come together harmoniously. It pairs well with a glass of white wine and a simple green salad.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 550 kcal | Total Fat: 23 grams | Saturated Fat: 4 grams | Trans Fat: 0 grams | Cholesterol: 25 mg | Sodium: 800 mg | Total Carbohydrates: 62 grams | Dietary Fiber: 5 grams | Sugars: 4 grams | Protein: 23 grams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use fresh tomatoes instead of canned?

Yes, you can substitute fresh tomatoes.

Use about 1 lb of fresh tomatoes, peeled and chopped, instead of canned cherry tomatoes.

What can I substitute for yellowfin tuna?

You can use canned tuna in olive oil or water as a substitute for yellowfin tuna in oil.

Drain the canned tuna before adding it to the sauce.

Can I omit the chili pepper or red pepper flakes?

Yes, if you prefer a milder dish, you can omit the chili pepper or reduce the amount of red pepper flakes to suit your taste.

Do I need to use salted capers?

If you have capers packed in vinegar or brine, rinse them before adding to the dish to remove excess saltiness.

Adjust salt in the recipe accordingly.

How do I know when the spaghetti is “a little under al dente”?

Cook the spaghetti until it is almost but not quite fully cooked.

It should still be slightly firm in the center (“al dente”), as it will continue to cook briefly in the sauce.

Can I prepare the sauce ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the sauce ahead of time and reheat it gently before tossing with freshly cooked spaghetti.

Add a little pasta water to adjust consistency if needed.

What should I serve with Spaghetti al Tonno?

Serve with a simple green salad and crusty bread to complement the flavors of the dish.

A glass of white wine pairs well with this meal.

How can I enhance the flavor of the dish?

You can enhance the flavor by adding a splash of fresh lemon juice or a drizzle of high-quality balsamic vinegar before serving. Freshly grated Parmesan cheese is also a delicious addition.

Can I use different types of olives?

Yes, you can use any type of olives you prefer or have on hand. Kalamata olives or green olives work well in this recipe.

Is this dish suitable for vegetarians?

This particular recipe includes tuna, so it is not suitable for vegetarians.

However, you can omit the tuna and adjust the seasonings

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