Hearty Beef Stew

“Indulge in the comforting flavors of a classic Hearty Beef Stew with this recipe that promises tender chunks of chuck roast, simmered to perfection in a rich broth. Enhanced with aromatic vegetables, savory tomato paste, and a hint of red wine, this stew is slow-cooked to develop deep flavors, making it an ideal dish for cozy evenings or gatherings. Serve alongside creamy mashed potatoes or crusty bread to complete this hearty, soul-warming meal.”

How to make Hearty Beef Stew


3lb chuck roast cut into small 1/2 inch chunks

2 tablespoons flour

1 medium yellow onion chopped

4 carrots peeled and diced

3 ribs of celery diced small

5 cloves garlic

1 tablespoon tomato paste

1 cup red wine

4 cups beef broth

1 tablespoon soy sauce

Salt and pepper

4 thyme sprigs

3 bay leaves


Salt and pepper the cubed roast and then dust with the flour. Sear in batches in a Dutch oven in a neutral oil. Remove to a plate. Don’t cook all the way through.

Add the onions, carrots and celery and cook until softened. Add salt and pepper and scrape up the fond from the bottom of the pot.

Add the garlic and tomato paste. Cook for about a min to caramelize the tomato paste.

Add the wine and left simmer until reduced and jammy.

Add back in the beef (with the juices from the plate) and the beef broth. Add soy sauce.

Add a few sprigs of fresh thyme and 3 bay leaves. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer.

Cook on a simmer for 1.5 hours or longer.

I made the potatoes by cooking cream and butter on a low heat with a few sprigs of thyme and two garlic cloves and added it to the potatoes.


Cut of Meat: Using chuck roast cut into small chunks ensures the beef becomes tender and flavorful after simmering.

Searing Technique: Searing the beef in batches helps to develop a rich, caramelized flavor and texture without overcrowding the Dutch oven.

Aromatic Vegetables: Onions, carrots, celery, and garlic form the aromatic base of the stew, adding sweetness and depth to the broth as they cook down.

Tomato Paste: Browning the tomato paste enhances its flavor, adding a rich umami depth to the stew.

Red Wine: Simmering the red wine until reduced creates a concentrated, slightly sweet base that complements the beef and vegetables.

Broth and Soy Sauce: Beef broth provides the stew’s main liquid, while soy sauce adds savory depth and a hint of saltiness.

Herbs: Fresh thyme sprigs and bay leaves infuse the stew with earthy, herbaceous notes during the simmering process.

Simmering Time: Cooking the stew on low heat for at least 1.5 hours allows the flavors to meld together and ensures the beef becomes tender.

Serving Suggestion: Pairing the stew with creamy mashed potatoes enriched with thyme and garlic complements the hearty nature of the dish.

Adjustments: Taste and adjust seasoning as needed before serving, ensuring the stew is seasoned to your preference.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 470 kcal | Protein: 32 g | Carbohydrates: 15 g | Dietary Fiber: 3 g | Sugars: 4 g | Fat: 29 g | Saturated Fat: 12 g | Trans Fat: 1 g | Cholesterol: 140 mg | Sodium: 900 mg | Potassium: 820 mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different cut of beef for this stew?

Yes, you can use other cuts like chuck eye roast or stew meat.

However, chuck roast is ideal due to its marbling and flavor.

Do I have to use red wine?

Red wine adds depth to the stew, but you can substitute with beef broth if preferred.

How can I make this stew gluten-free?

Use a gluten-free flour for dusting the beef and ensure the soy sauce is gluten-free.

Cornstarch can also be used as a thickener instead of flour.

Can I make this stew in a slow cooker?

Yes, after searing the beef and sautéing the vegetables, transfer everything to a slow cooker and cook on low for 6-8 hours or until the beef is tender.

What should I serve with this beef stew?

It pairs well with crusty bread, mashed potatoes, or rice to soak up the flavorful broth.

How can I make the stew thicker if needed?

Mix 1-2 tablespoons of cornstarch with equal parts cold water and stir it into the stew. Simmer for a few more minutes until thickened.

Can I freeze leftovers?

Yes, allow the stew to cool completely before transferring to airtight containers or freezer bags.

It will keep well for up to 3 months in the freezer.

What’s the best way to reheat the stew?

Reheat gently on the stovetop over low heat, stirring occasionally, until warmed through.

You can add a splash of broth or water if it thickens too much.

Can I add other vegetables to the stew?

Absolutely! Potatoes, mushrooms, parsnips, or peas are all great additions.

Add them during the last 30-45 minutes of cooking.

How do I adjust the seasoning if needed?

Taste the stew before serving and adjust salt, pepper, and other seasonings accordingly.

You can also add a dash of Worcestershire sauce for extra depth of flavor.

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