Homemade Aguachiles Recipe


1.5-2lbs shrimp

20 limes

1 red onion

1 bunch of cilantro

3 Serranos

5 jalapeños (4 to blend, 1 to slice)

1 garlic clove

3 tomatillos

2 cucumbers

2 avocados

Salt to season


Make sure shrimp is peeled and deveined. I slice shrimp in half and place in a bowl.

Squeeze all limes until shrimp is almost covered. I add a little water to cover shrimp and mix.

Place in fridge for about 30-40 mins, shrimp will change color when fully cooked from the lime. While shrimp is “cooking” boil tomatillos.

Then blend serranos, jalapeños, cilantro, garlic and tomatillos. Add blended mixture to shrimp once shrimp is fully”cooked”.

Add sliced onions, jalapeños, cucumbers and cubed avocados. Mix and season with salt.

I place in fridge for about 20mins to let everything marinate together. Serve on tostadas or eat with crackers!

Enjoy !!

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 250 calories  | Protein: 20 grams | Fat: 10grams | Carbohydrates: 10 grams | Fiber: 3 grams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use frozen shrimp for this recipe?

Yes, you can use frozen shrimp, but make sure to thaw them completely and drain any excess water before marinating them in lime juice.

How do I know when the shrimp are fully cooked from the lime juice?

The shrimp will turn opaque and firm to the touch when fully cooked.

Additionally, they may change color slightly from translucent to pinkish-white.

Can I adjust the spiciness of the dish?

Absolutely! You can control the heat by adjusting the number of serranos and jalapeños you use in the blender.

For a milder flavor, reduce the amount of these peppers.

Can I prepare this dish ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the aguachiles ahead of time and let them marinate in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.

The flavors will develop even more as they sit.

What are some serving suggestions for Homemade Aguachiles?

Aguachiles can be served on tostadas, tortilla chips, or crackers.

You can also enjoy them as a refreshing appetizer or light meal on their own, perhaps accompanied by a cold beverage like beer or a margarita.

How do I properly devein shrimp?

To devein shrimp, make a shallow slit along the back of the shrimp with a knife and remove the dark vein using the tip of the knife or a deveining tool.

Do I need to use all 20 limes for the marinade?

The number of limes you need may vary depending on their size and juiciness.

Start with fewer limes and adjust as needed to ensure the shrimp are adequately covered in lime juice.

Can I substitute ingredients in the marinade?

Yes, feel free to customize the marinade to your taste preferences.

You can adjust the amount of serranos, jalapeños, and garlic to control the level of spiciness.

What can I do if I don’t have access to tomatillos?

If you can’t find tomatillos, you can substitute with green tomatoes or omit them altogether.

The flavor profile will be slightly different, but still delicious.

How long can I marinate the shrimp in the lime juice?

It’s best to marinate the shrimp for at least 30-40 minutes to allow them to cook fully in the lime juice.

You can marinate them longer for a more intense flavor.

Can I adjust the amount of cilantro in the recipe?

Absolutely! Feel free to adjust the amount of cilantro based on your personal preference.

You can add more for a stronger cilantro flavor or omit it entirely if you’re not a fan.

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