Jerk Steak & Shrimp over Yellow Rice


1lb Angus Steak or Boneless Beef Tri tip (cut into cubes)

1lb Large Shrimp (Peeled & deveined)

1 C Red & Green Bell Peppers

1 C Chicken Broth or water

2 tsp Jerk Seasoning (see bottom)

1 tsp Creole Seasoning (see bottom)

1 tsp Salt & Cracked Black pepper

1/8 tsp Honey

1 T Butter

1 T Oil

Yellow Rice… Use Mahatma!


Heat oil in a large pan over Med High heat. Add steak. Cook undisturbed for 3 mins. Gently flip in pan until browned on all sides, abt 7-8 mins. Remove and set aside.

Season shrimp with Jerk & Creole Seasonings. Blend well. Color should begin to turn red. Add butter to pan then add shrimp. Cook for 1 min each side. Add honey. Cook an additional 1 min. Remove. Shrimp will finish cooking last step.

In same pan add bell peppers. Cook for 3 minutes or until softened. Stir frequently to keep from burning. Add steak and shrimp back to pan. Toss to blend.

Add broth/water and all remaining seasonings. Lower heat to Med Low and let simmer to enhance the flavor. Serve over white or yellow rice. Sprinkle green onions, black pepper and/or Cilantro.


Nutrition Information:

Calories: 500 kcal | Protein: 45g | Carbohydrates: 30g | Dietary Fiber: 3g | Sugars: 3g | Fat: 20g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Monounsaturated Fat: 9g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 150mg | Sodium: 1200mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the purpose of using both Jerk and Creole Seasonings in this recipe?

The combination of Jerk and Creole Seasonings adds a flavorful and spicy profile to both the steak and shrimp, providing a Caribbean-inspired taste.

Can I substitute the Angus Steak with another type of meat?

Yes, you can use boneless beef tri-tip or any other preferred beef cut.

Adjust cooking times accordingly.

Is there a specific brand of Jerk Seasoning recommended?

No specific brand is mentioned.

You can use your favorite store-bought Jerk Seasoning or make your own at home.

Can I use frozen shrimp for this recipe?

Yes, you can use frozen shrimp.

Thaw them before cooking and ensure they are deveined and peeled.

Why add honey to the shrimp?

Adding honey provides a touch of sweetness to balance the spiciness and enhances the overall flavor of the shrimp.

What type of bell peppers should be used?

Both red and green bell peppers are used for a colorful and flavorful mix.

You can adjust based on your preference.

Can I use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth?

Yes, you can substitute vegetable broth if you prefer a different flavor or are following a vegetarian diet.

Why simmer the dish on Med Low heat after adding broth?

Simmering helps blend the flavors, allowing the seasonings to infuse into the dish. It also ensures the steak and shrimp are fully cooked.

What type of rice is recommended for the yellow rice?

Mahatma yellow rice is suggested.

You can use any brand or prepare your own saffron-infused yellow rice.

Can I customize the toppings?

Absolutely! You can garnish with green onions, black pepper, cilantro, or any other preferred toppings to enhance presentation and taste.

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