The Fideo Soup


1 box of 5 oz vermicelli soup

2 tomatoes

1/4 onion

cilantro to taste

3 garlic cloves

1 tablespoon of consommé

1 teaspoon of ground cumin

4 cups of hot water salt to taste


Boil the tomatoes

Blend it with garlic cloves and onion

In another casserole fry the soup until it is golden brown

Add the consommé with ground cumin mix well

Add the tomato sauce with 4 cups of hot water

Add cilantro cover and boil over medium heat until the soup is soft and ready to serve.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 200 kcal | Total Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0.5g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 5mg | Sodium: 250mg | Total Carbohydrates: 40g | Dietary Fiber: 3g | Sugars: 3g | Protein: 5g

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is vermicelli soup, and where can I find it?

Vermicelli soup is a type of pasta that is thin and typically used in soups.

It’s often available in most grocery stores in the pasta aisle.

Look for the 5 oz box of vermicelli soup specifically for this recipe.

Can I adjust the level of spiciness in the soup?

If you enjoy a spicier flavor, you can add a pinch of red pepper flakes or a chopped jalapeño when blending the tomato mixture.

Adjust the amount based on your preference for heat.

Is consommé necessary for this recipe, and can I use a substitute?

Consommé adds flavor and depth to the soup, but you can substitute it with vegetable or chicken broth if you don’t have consommé on hand.

The broth will still contribute savory flavors to the dish.

Can I add vegetables or protein to the soup?

Absolutely! You can enhance the soup by adding diced vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, or zucchini during the cooking process.

You can also add cooked chicken, shrimp, or beans to make the soup heartier.

Can I prepare the tomato sauce in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the tomato sauce (blended tomatoes, garlic, and onion) in advance and store it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it.

This can save time when assembling the soup.

Can I use regular vermicelli pasta instead of vermicelli soup?

Answer: Regular vermicelli pasta can be used as a substitute for vermicelli soup, but the cooking time may vary slightly.

Adjust the cooking time according to the package instructions for the pasta you’re using.

What can I use as a replacement for consommé?

If you don’t have consommé on hand, you can use vegetable or chicken broth as a substitute.

This will provide a similar savory flavor to the soup.

Can I customize the soup with additional ingredients?

Absolutely! You can customize the soup by adding vegetables like diced carrots, bell peppers, or peas during the cooking process.

You can also add cooked protein such as chicken, shrimp, or beans for added substance.

How do I prevent the vermicelli from sticking together while frying?

To prevent the vermicelli from sticking together while frying, you can break it into smaller pieces before frying.

Stirring frequently while frying can also help distribute the heat and prevent clumping.

Can I make the soup less spicy?

If you’d like to make the soup less spicy, you can omit the ground cumin or reduce the amount used.

Additionally, you can omit or reduce the amount of hot pepper (jalapeño or serrano) used in the tomato sauce.

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