Steamed Manila Clams

Steamed Manila Clams


2 tbsp. olive oil

8 cloves garlic, chopped

2 shallots, chopped

1 tbs dried thyme

1 tsp crushed red pepper

1 cup dry white wine

1 cup clam juice (1 8oz bottle)

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

3 tbsp. unsalted butter

2 lb. Manila or little-neck clams or mussels, scrubbed

1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley

lemon quarters

Crusty bread, for serving (optional)


In a large pot that has a cover, heat olive oil and add garlic and shallots, cooking over medium heat and stirring until lightly golden, about 6–8 minutes.

Do not burn.

Add crushed red pepper and dried thyme and cook for another minute, then add wine and clam juice.

Raise heat to high and bring to a boil, reducing liquid to about half the volume.

At this point taste the broth, adding salt and black pepper if you like, but keep in mind the clams will add additional salt.

Add the butter and clams,

Cook covered until shells open, about 3–4 minutes.

Add the parsley and stir to combine.

Serve the clams in large bowls with broth, lemon quarters and crusty bread for dipping.

Serves 2-4


Flavorful Aromatics: The combination of garlic, shallots, dried thyme, and crushed red pepper creates a flavorful base for the dish, enhancing the taste of the clams and broth.

Wine and Clam Juice: Using dry white wine and clam juice adds depth to the broth, infusing it with savory and briny flavors that complement the sweetness of the clams.

Seasoning: Be cautious with the amount of salt added to the broth initially, as the clams will release their natural saltiness as they cook. Adjust the seasoning to taste after the clams have opened.

Buttery Finish: Incorporating unsalted butter at the end of cooking enriches the broth and adds a velvety texture, elevating the overall taste of the dish.

Cooking Time: It’s essential to cook the clams just until their shells open, which indicates they are done. Overcooking can lead to tough and rubbery clams.

Fresh Herbs: Adding chopped Italian parsley at the end brightens the flavors of the dish and provides a fresh contrast to the rich broth.

Serving Suggestions: Serve the steamed clams in large bowls with plenty of broth, lemon quarters for a citrusy kick, and crusty bread for soaking up the delicious broth. The bread also adds a textural element to the meal.

Versatility: While the recipe specifies Manila or little-neck clams, you can also use mussels as a substitute, adjusting the cooking time as needed.

Meal Size: This recipe serves 2-4 people, making it suitable for a cozy dinner or a small gathering. Adjust the quantity of ingredients accordingly for larger groups.

Presentation: Consider garnishing the dish with additional chopped parsley or lemon zest for a vibrant finishing touch that enhances its visual appeal.

Nutrition Information:

Yields: 4 | Serving Size: 1

Calories: 310 calories | Total Fat: 20g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Unsaturated Fat: 13g | Cholesterol: 100mg | Sodium: 700mg | Total Carbohydrates: 12g | Dietary Fiber: 1g | Sugars: 2g | Protein: 15g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use other types of clams or mussels?

Yes, you can use Manila or little-neck clams as suggested in the recipe.

Alternatively, you can also use mussels as a substitute, adjusting the cooking time as needed.

How do I prevent the garlic and shallots from burning?

Stirring frequently over medium heat and being mindful not to overcook them will prevent the garlic and shallots from burning.

What if I don’t have clam juice?

If clam juice is unavailable, you can substitute it with seafood stock or vegetable broth for a similar flavor profile.

Can I omit the crushed red pepper if I don’t want it spicy?

Yes, you can omit the crushed red pepper if you prefer a milder flavor.

Adjust the seasoning according to your taste preferences.

How do I know when the clams are cooked?

The clams are cooked when their shells open up.

Discard any clams that do not open after cooking to ensure they are safe to eat.

Can I use salted butter instead of unsalted butter?

While unsalted butter is preferred to control the saltiness of the dish, you can use salted butter and adjust the amount of additional salt added accordingly.

How can I make this dish vegetarian or vegan?

To make it vegetarian or vegan, you can omit the clams and use vegetable broth instead of clam juice.

You can also add additional vegetables or plant-based protein substitutes for texture and flavor.

What can I serve as a side dish besides crusty bread?

Along with crusty bread, you can serve the steamed clams with a side salad, roasted vegetables, or steamed rice to create a complete meal.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

While it’s best served fresh, you can prepare the broth and clean the clams in advance.

However, it’s recommended to cook the clams just before serving to ensure they are fresh and flavorful.

How long will leftovers keep in the refrigerator?

Leftover steamed clams can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days.

Reheat gently on the stovetop before serving.

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