Salted Caramel Bites


4 cups oyster crackers

3/4 cup butter

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla paste or extract

1 teaspoon kosher salt


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or aluminum foil) and lightly spray with non-stick cooking spray.

Spread your crackers in a even layer on the baking sheet.

In a large pan on medium heat, melt the butter. Add the brown sugar and vanilla. Stir until brown sugar is dissolved.

Turn up the heat until the mixture begins boil. Stir continuously for about 3-4 minutes while the mixture gets bubbly and lighter in color. It will smell delicious!

Turn off the heat and quickly pour over the top of the crackers. Mix gently with a rubber spatula until all of the crackers are completely coated.

Sprinkle the kosher salt over the top of the crackers.

Put in oven 8-10 min watch for burning.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 215 kcal | Total Fat: 13 g | Saturated Fat: 8 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 31 mg | Sodium: 274 mg | Total Carbohydrates: 24 g | Dietary Fiber: 0.4 g | Sugars: 16 g | Protein: 1 g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of cracker?

While oyster crackers are commonly used for this recipe, you can experiment with other small, crunchy crackers if you prefer.

Keep in mind that the texture and flavor may vary.

Can I use salted butter instead of unsalted butter?

Yes, you can use salted butter, but be cautious with the additional kosher salt in the recipe.

You might want to reduce the amount of added salt to balance the overall saltiness.

Can I substitute vanilla extract for vanilla paste?

Yes, you can use vanilla extract instead of vanilla paste.

Vanilla paste provides a more intense vanilla flavor, but extract works well too.

Use the same amount as indicated in the recipe.

Can I adjust the sweetness level of the caramel?

If you prefer a less sweet caramel, you can slightly reduce the amount of brown sugar in the recipe.

Keep in mind that caramel is inherently sweet, so even with adjustments, it will still have a sweet taste.

Can I store these caramel bites?

Yes, you can store the Salted Caramel Bites in an airtight container at room temperature for a few days.

However, be aware that they might become slightly softer over time due to the caramel coating.

If you want to retain the crunchiness, consider storing them in the refrigerator.

What’s the purpose of using parchment paper or aluminum foil?

Using parchment paper or aluminum foil helps prevent the caramel-coated crackers from sticking to the baking sheet, making cleanup easier.

It also aids in transferring the finished bites off the sheet.

Can I add other flavors or toppings to the caramel-coated crackers?

Absolutely! You can customize the recipe by adding chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or drizzling melted chocolate over the caramel-coated crackers before they cool.

Just be mindful of the additional ingredients not affecting the baking process.

How should I store the Salted Caramel Bites?

Store the cooled Salted Caramel Bites in an airtight container at room temperature.

If you notice any softening due to humidity, you can briefly re-crisp them in the oven at a low temperature (around 250°F) for a few minutes.

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