Pasta And Peas In Red Sauce

“Pasta and Peas in Red Sauce is a comforting and flavorful Italian dish that combines pantry staples with vibrant flavors. This hearty meal features ditalini or tubetti pasta simmered in a robust tomato-based sauce infused with onions, red pepper flakes, and a generous helping of Pecorino Romano cheese.

Frozen peas add a touch of sweetness and texture to the dish, while the addition of extra virgin olive oil at the end enhances its richness. Perfectly balanced and easy to prepare, this dish is a favorite for family dinners, offering a satisfying taste of Italian cuisine in every bite.”

Pasta And Peas In Red Sauce


1 pound ditalini or tubetti

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 large onion diced

1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

1 6-ounce can tomato paste

4 cups water plus more to thin

1 teaspoon kosher salt plus more to taste

12 ounces frozen peas

3/4 cup Pecorino Romano grated


Heat a large pot or pan to medium heat and add the olive oil and onions. Cook the onions until soft (about 5-7 minutes), then add the red pepper flakes and cook for another 30 seconds.

Next, add the tomato paste and cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the water and salt and bring to a boil.

Once boiling, add the pasta and peas and turn the heat down to medium. Cook the pasta at a moderate simmer until al dente. Make sure to stir frequently to avoid sticking and add more water if the pot begins to dry out.

When satisfied with the consistency and the pasta has reached al dente, remove the pot from the heat and mix in the cheese. Taste test and season with salt and pepper. If the pasta is at all dry, add extra water to loosen it up.

Serve in bowls with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a generous amount of grated Pecorino Romano.



Flavorful Base: The dish starts with sautéed onions in olive oil, which provide a sweet and savory foundation complemented by a hint of heat from crushed red pepper flakes.

Rich Tomato Base: Tomato paste forms the heart of the sauce, offering depth and tanginess. Cooking it down intensifies its flavor, enhancing the overall profile of the dish.

Balanced Cooking Technique: Adding water and salt creates a simmering sauce that allows the pasta and peas to cook directly in the flavorful liquid, ensuring they absorb the sauce’s essence.

Texture and Sweetness: Frozen peas add a burst of sweetness and textural contrast to the pasta, enhancing both visual appeal and taste.

Cheese Enrichment: Mixing in Pecorino Romano at the end enriches the dish with a salty, umami flavor, tying together all the elements while providing a creamy texture.

Adjusting Consistency: Adjusting the pasta’s cooking time ensures it reaches al dente perfection. Adding extra water if needed helps maintain a creamy sauce consistency.

Finishing Touches: Drizzling with extra virgin olive oil before serving enhances the dish’s richness, while additional Pecorino Romano adds a finishing touch of cheesy goodness.

Versatile and Family-Friendly: This recipe is versatile and appeals to both adults and children alike, making it a great choice for weeknight dinners or casual gatherings.

Italian Inspired: Reflecting Italian culinary traditions, this dish showcases simplicity and quality ingredients, perfect for those seeking authentic flavors with minimal effort.

Serve and Enjoy: Serve the Pasta and Peas in Red Sauce piping hot in bowls, allowing diners to savor its comforting flavors alongside crusty bread or a simple green salad for a satisfying meal.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 540 kcal | Total Fat: 27g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 15mg | Sodium: 780mg | Total Carbohydrates: 60g | Dietary Fiber: 8g | Sugars: 6g | Protein: 16g

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a different type of pasta?

Yes, you can substitute ditalini or tubetti with other small pasta shapes like penne, rigatoni, or even spaghetti broken into shorter pieces.

Can I use fresh peas instead of frozen peas?

Yes, you can use fresh peas if they are in season.

Simply blanch them briefly before adding to the pasta during the cooking process.

What can I substitute for Pecorino Romano cheese?

You can substitute Pecorino Romano with Parmesan cheese if you prefer or if that’s what you have on hand.

The flavor will be slightly different but still delicious.

How do I prevent the pasta from sticking together?

Stir the pasta frequently while cooking to prevent it from sticking together.

Adding enough water during cooking and stirring occasionally will help maintain a good consistency.

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the pasta and peas in red sauce ahead of time and reheat gently before serving.

Add a little extra water or broth when reheating to loosen the sauce.

Is this dish suitable for vegetarians?

Yes, this dish is vegetarian as it does not contain any meat or meat-based broth.

It’s a hearty and satisfying vegetarian pasta dish.

How can I make this dish more spicy?

Increase the amount of crushed red pepper flakes or add a dash of hot sauce to the sauce mixture for added spice according to your taste preference.

Can I freeze leftovers of this dish?

Yes, you can freeze leftovers of pasta and peas in red sauce.

Store in an airtight container and thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

What’s the best way to reheat this dish?

Reheat gently in a saucepan over low heat, adding a splash of water or broth to loosen the sauce as needed. Stir occasionally to ensure even heating.

What should I serve with this pasta dish?

This pasta and peas in red sauce is delicious on its own but pairs well with a side salad, garlic bread, or a simple vegetable side like roasted asparagus.

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