Paccheri al Tonno

Introducing a mouthwatering Italian dish that combines simplicity with rich flavors, Paccheri al Tonno is a culinary delight that’s sure to please. This recipe features paccheri pasta, known for its ability to hold sauces and provide a satisfying bite, paired with tender canned tuna in olive oil for a touch of richness. The sauce, made with sweet San Marzano tomatoes, garlic, parsley, and a hint of red pepper flakes, comes together quickly, infusing the dish with layers of savory goodness.

As the pasta cooks to al dente perfection, the sauce simmers, allowing the flavors to meld and intensify. Then, the magic happens as the pasta is added directly to the sauce, absorbing its delicious essence and creating a harmony of tastes and textures. With a sprinkle of fresh parsley to finish, this dish is ready to be savored and enjoyed with every comforting forkful.

Whether you’re craving a cozy weeknight dinner or hosting a gathering with friends, Paccheri al Tonno is a classic Italian favorite that never disappoints. So, gather your ingredients and get ready to experience the authentic flavors of Italy right in your own kitchen. Buon appetito!

Paccheri al Tonno


320 g of Paccheri Lisci (in general artisan pasta works best, it holds the sauce well and allows for an even coating.

250 g canned Tuna (i chose Calippo, but any canned tuna in olive oil will work).

400 g Passata (I used sweet mini San Marzano peeled tomatoes).

1 Clove of Garlic

Chopped Parsley

Red Pepper flakes


While the pasta water gets to a boil, sauté the garlic, red pepper and a few parsley stems in EVOO.

Remove garlic (or don’t) and parsley stems.

Add the tuna, cook lightly, then add the passata and some fresh parsley. Cook for approximately 10 minutes.

As the pasta water reaches a boil, salt and add the pasta.

Cook al dente or 2 minutes less than described on package. You’ll want to finish cooking the pasta in the tuna sauce to bring everything together, make sure to set aside some pasta water, if sauce dries up.

Move the pasta directly in the sauce with a ladle of pasta water.

Stir, add more parsley and finish cooking the pasta for a few minutes.

You are now ready to serve…..enjoy!


Pasta Choice: The recipe suggests using paccheri lisci, but any artisan pasta will work well. The key is to choose a pasta shape that can hold the sauce and provide an even coating. This ensures that every bite is packed with flavor.

Tuna Selection: Canned tuna in olive oil is recommended for this recipe, as it adds richness and depth to the dish. However, you can use any variety of canned tuna that you prefer or have on hand.

Tomato Sauce: Passata, made from sweet mini San Marzano peeled tomatoes, forms the base of the sauce. This smooth tomato puree adds a rich and velvety texture to the dish, complementing the flavors of the tuna and garlic.

Garlic and Herbs: Sautéing garlic, red pepper flakes, and parsley stems in extra virgin olive oil infuses the sauce with aromatic flavors. The garlic can be removed before adding the tuna, or left in for a more intense flavor. Fresh chopped parsley is added both during cooking and as a garnish, enhancing the dish with its vibrant taste and color.

Cooking Technique: Cooking the pasta al dente ensures that it retains a slight bite and doesn’t become mushy when combined with the sauce. Finishing the pasta in the tuna sauce allows it to absorb the flavors and creates a cohesive dish. Keeping some pasta water on hand helps to loosen the sauce if it becomes too thick.

Finishing Touches: Moving the cooked pasta directly into the sauce with a ladle of pasta water helps to bind everything together and ensures that each strand is coated in the delicious sauce. Additional parsley is sprinkled over the top for a fresh and herbaceous finish before serving.

Customization: Feel free to customize the dish according to your preferences. You can adjust the amount of garlic and red pepper flakes to suit your taste, or add other herbs and spices for extra flavor. Similarly, you can experiment with different types of pasta or canned tuna to create variations of this classic Italian dish.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 700 kcal | Carbohydrates: 90g | Protein: 47g | Fat: 17g | Fiber: 8g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use any type of pasta for this recipe, or is Paccheri Lisci essential?

While Paccheri Lisci is recommended for its ability to hold sauce well, you can use other pasta varieties like rigatoni or penne if Paccheri is unavailable.

However, the texture and sauce adherence may vary slightly.

Is it necessary to use canned tuna in olive oil, or can I use water-packed tuna instead?

Using canned tuna in olive oil adds flavor and richness to the dish, but water-packed tuna can be used as a substitute if desired.

Just be aware that the flavor profile may differ slightly.

Can I adjust the spiciness of the dish to suit my taste preferences?

Absolutely! You can adjust the amount of red pepper flakes added to the recipe to control the level of spiciness.

Start with a small amount and increase gradually according to your preference.

Is there a substitute for Passata if I can’t find mini San Marzano tomatoes?

If you can’t find mini San Marzano tomatoes for Passata, you can use regular canned tomatoes or tomato sauce instead.

The flavor may vary slightly, but it will still complement the dish well.

How long should I cook the pasta in the tuna sauce?

Cook the pasta al dente or slightly undercooked according to package instructions.

Finish cooking the pasta in the tuna sauce for a few minutes to allow it to absorb the flavors and coat evenly.

Be sure to reserve some pasta water to add moisture if the sauce thickens too much.

What type of pasta works best for Paccheri al Tonno?

Paccheri Lisci is recommended for its ability to hold sauce well, but you can use other artisan pasta varieties like rigatoni or penne as alternatives.

Can I use any brand of canned tuna for this recipe?

Yes, you can use any brand of canned tuna in olive oil.

While Calippo is suggested, any high-quality canned tuna in olive oil will work well.

How can I adjust the spiciness of the dish?

You can control the level of spiciness by adjusting the amount of red pepper flakes added.

Start with a small amount and increase according to your taste preference.

Should I remove the garlic and parsley stems after sautéing them?

It’s optional. Some prefer to remove them for a smoother texture, while others leave them in for added flavor.

It depends on personal preference.

How long should I cook the tuna and passata mixture?

Cook the tuna and passata mixture for approximately 10 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together and the sauce to thicken slightly.

Why should I reserve pasta water?

Reserving pasta water helps thin out the sauce if it becomes too thick and aids in binding the pasta and sauce together for better flavor distribution.

Can I garnish the dish with other herbs besides parsley?

Yes, you can garnish with other herbs like basil or oregano for additional flavor and freshness.

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

While it’s best served fresh, you can prepare the components ahead of time and assemble the dish just before serving to maintain the best texture and flavor.

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