Old Fashioned Cornish Beef Pasties


1 pound beef (ground or shredded roast)

1 pound Yukon Gold potatoes, diced

2 medium-sized carrots, peeled and diced

1 small onion, diced

2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce

2 cloves garlic, minced

½ teaspoon dried rosemary

½ teaspoon dried thyme

Salt and pepper to taste


3 cups all-purpose flour

1 stick unsalted butter, chilled

1 teaspoon salt

2 egg yolks, divided

½ cup cold water


Let’s make the dough: Start by combining the flour and salt. Once they’re mixed add chilled butter until the mixture becomes crumbly. In a bowl mix together water and egg yolk then blend it into the flour mixture. Let it chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Now, onto the filling: Begin by browning the beef and seasoning it to your liking. Sauté the vegetables until they’re almost tender. Then add minced dried herbs to combine with the beef.

Time to shape the pasties: Divide the dough into six portions and roll them out into circles. Moisten the edges of each circle spoon some filling onto one side then fold over and seal them shut.

Baking time: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) and line a baking tray with parchment paper or foil. Place your pasties on the tray. Cut slits on top of each one for ventilation. Brush them with an egg wash for a finish. Bake in the preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes until they turn brown.

If you prefer freezing some for enjoyment. Bake them partially for 20 minutes, in advance before freezing them. When you’re ready to eat brush each pasties with an egg wash. Bake for an additional 20 minutes.

Finally savor every bite as you experience all of those flavors from your Old Fashioned Cornish Beef Pasties!


To give this recipe a gluten-free variation you can replace the all purpose flour with a high quality blend of gluten free flour. Just make sure that the blend includes xanthan gum for a better texture.

Follow the remaining instructions as stated. You’ll have a dough that’s both easy to work with and delicious.

Enjoy the adventure of yielding in Old Fashioned Cornish Beef Pasties while still clinging to your gluten-free lifestyle.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 600 calories | Protein: 20 grams | Carbohydrates: 60 grams | Dietary Fiber: 4 grams | Fat: 30 grams | Cholesterol: 100 mg | Sodium: 600 mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use other types of meat in this recipe?

Yes, you can use different meats like lamb, chicken, or even vegetarian substitutes like mushrooms or tofu to create variations of pasties.

Adjust the cooking time as needed for different meats or fillings.

Can I make the dough in advance and refrigerate it for longer than 30 minutes?

It’s recommended to refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes to allow it to rest and become easier to work with.

You can make the dough ahead of time and refrigerate it for a few hours or overnight if needed.

What’s the traditional way to eat Cornish pasties?

Cornish pasties are often enjoyed as hand-held pies.

They were traditionally made for miners, and the thick pastry edge served as a handle to hold while eating.

They can also be served with a side salad or condiments like ketchup or brown sauce.

Can I make mini-sized pasties for appetizers?

Absolutely! You can make smaller-sized pasties by dividing the dough into more portions and adjusting the filling accordingly.

Smaller pasties might require less baking time, so keep an eye on them to avoid overcooking.

How can I store leftover pasties?

Leftover pasties can be refrigerated in an airtight container for a few days.

To reheat, you can use an oven or toaster oven to maintain their crispy texture, or you can microwave them if you prefer a softer crust.

Can I use store-bought pastry dough instead of making the dough from scratch?

Yes, you can use store-bought pastry dough to save time.

However, making the dough from scratch allows for a more traditional and customizable pastry texture.

Can I use other types of potatoes besides Yukon Gold?

Yes, you can use other potato varieties, such as Russet or red potatoes, if you prefer.

Yukon Gold potatoes are favored for their creamy texture and flavor, but you can choose based on your taste preferences.

Can I make these pasties in advance for meal prep?

Absolutely! You can assemble the pasties and freeze them before baking.

Just be sure to follow the instructions for partial baking (20 minutes) before freezing, and then complete the baking process when you’re ready to enjoy them.

What can I serve with Cornish Beef Pasties?

Cornish pasties are often served on their own, as they are a complete meal with meat, vegetables, and pastry.

However, you can serve them with a side salad, coleslaw, or pickles for added variety.

Can I reheat leftover pasties?

Yes, you can reheat leftover pasties in the oven or toaster oven at a lower temperature (around 325°F or 160°C) until heated through to maintain their crispiness.

Alternatively, you can use a microwave for a softer texture, but the pastry may lose some of its crispness.

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