Super Spaghettata Con Cozze

Super Spaghettata Con Cozze is a traditional Italian dish that highlights the fresh, briny flavors of mussels paired with perfectly cooked spaghetti. This simple yet elegant recipe uses a handful of ingredients like garlic, parsley, and extra virgin olive oil to create a delicious, flavorful sauce.

The pasta is cooked to a creamy, al dente texture by finishing it in the mussel-infused broth, giving the dish a rich seafood essence. Ideal for seafood lovers, this spaghetti with mussels is a light, satisfying meal perfect for any occasion.

Super Spaghettata Con Cozze


300 g of spaghetti (I choose the Gragnano quality)

1 kg of mussels

2 cloves of garlic

2 – 3 cherry tomatoes (optional)

extra virgin olive oil

1 red chili pepper (optional)




First of all, clean mussels.

Then, place the molluscs in a large pot, cover with a lid and leave to open over medium heat for 5 – 6 minutes.

Remove any mussels that have not opened. Open and shell most seafood. Leave some open for decorations.

Finally, filter the mussel water with a linen or cotton handkerchief, in order to purify it of all the sand and any waste:

Prepare the sauce by frying the peeled and lightly crushed garlic for about 1 minute with 3 – 4 tablespoons of oil and a chilli pepper if you like.

At this point you can add the cherry tomatoes. Otherwise directly the mussels, both the whole and shelled ones, the sea water, a handful of finely chopped parsley. Cook over low heat for about 5 minutes covered.

In the meantime, boil the water for the pasta with a handful of salt.

Remove the seafood from the pan. throw away the garlic.

Cook the spaghetti for half the time indicated on the package. Drain directly into the sauce pan without the mussels. Add another handful of chopped parsley.

Risotto and finish cooking over a low heat until the pasta is creamy and al dente!

At the end of cooking, stir in the open mussels and those in the shell with a drizzle of oil, along with a handful of chopped parsley. Consider whether a pinch of salt is needed.

Serve hot!

If you cooked them al dente, they are also perfect reheated!

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 430 kcal | Total Fat: 9 g | Saturated Fat: 1.5 g | Cholesterol: 40 mg | Sodium: 600 mg | Total Carbohydrates: 60 g | Dietary Fiber: 3 g | Sugars: 2 g | Protein: 20 g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use other types of pasta instead of spaghetti?

Yes, you can use other pasta shapes like linguine or fettuccine for this dish.

How do I clean and prepare mussels before cooking?

Scrub the mussels under cold running water to remove any dirt or debris.

Remove the beards (fibrous threads) from the shells and discard any mussels that are open and do not close when tapped.

Do I have to use cherry tomatoes in the sauce?

No, cherry tomatoes are optional.

They add sweetness and color to the sauce, but you can skip them if you prefer.

What if I don’t have a red chili pepper?

You can omit the chili pepper if you prefer a mild flavor.

Alternatively, use crushed red pepper flakes for a bit of heat.

Can I use dried parsley instead of fresh?

Fresh parsley is recommended for its bright flavor, but you can use dried parsley if that’s what you have on hand.

How do I know when the mussels are cooked and ready to be removed from the pot?

Mussels are cooked when they open.

Discard any mussels that remain closed after cooking.

What can I do with the mussel water after filtering?

The filtered mussel water is flavorful and can be used to enhance the sauce.

It adds a rich seafood taste to the dish.

How do I adjust the seasoning of the pasta sauce?

Taste the sauce before serving and adjust the salt and pepper according to your preference.

Can I prepare this dish in advance?

While it’s best served fresh, you can prepare the sauce and cook the mussels ahead of time.

Cook the pasta just before serving to maintain its texture.

What is the best way to reheat leftovers?

Reheat leftover pasta gently in a pan with a splash of water or broth to prevent it from drying out.

Adjust seasoning as needed before serving.

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