Chicken and Mushrooms in a Garlic White Wine Sauce


8 pieces of chicken

2 teaspoons butter

2 teaspoons olive oil

¼ cup flour

3 tablespoons garlic, minced

12oz mushrooms, sliced

¼ cup white wine

⅓ cup chicken broth

Salt & pepper to taste

Parsley, for garnish


Step 1:

Heat 1 teaspoon butter and 1 teaspoon olive oil in a skillet over medium heat

Lightly flour the chicken and brown in skillet

Step 2:

Remove and set aside

Add last teaspoon butter and last teaspoon olive oil to the same skillet

Step 3:

Saute garlic, mushrooms, and salt & pepper for about 3 minutes

Stir in wine and broth, simmering until sauce reduces by half

Step 4:

Return chicken to skillet

Serve and enjoy!

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1

Amount Per Serving:

Calories: 120 | Total Fat: 18g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Trans Fat: 6g | Cholesterol: 160mg | Sodium: 28mg | Carbohydrates: 140g | Sugar: 24g | Protein: 12g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use boneless, skinless chicken breasts instead of chicken pieces?

Yes, you can use chicken breasts, adjusting the cooking time as needed.

What type of mushrooms works best for this dish?

You can use a variety of mushrooms like cremini, white, or shiitake based on your preference.

Can I omit the wine from the recipe?

Yes, you can substitute chicken broth for the wine if you prefer a non-alcoholic version.

How can I ensure the chicken is cooked through?

Use a meat thermometer to check that the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165°F (74°C).

What sides pair well with this dish?

This dish goes well with mashed potatoes, rice, or a side of steamed vegetables.

Can I use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth?

Yes, vegetable broth is a suitable alternative for a vegetarian version.

How do I prevent the garlic from burning?

Keep the heat at medium and stir the garlic continuously to avoid burning.

Can I make this dish in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the dish up to the point of simmering the sauce and finish cooking before serving.

Can I use red wine instead of white wine?

While white wine is traditional, red wine can be used for a different flavor profile.

 What’s the best way to garnish this dish with parsley?

Chop fresh parsley finely and sprinkle it over the chicken just before serving for a burst of color and flavor.

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