Roast Turkey Recipe


1 free range turkey

3 onions – 1 quartered, two cut into 3 disks

1 carrot roughly chopped

1 clementine halved.

3 bay leaves

6 garlic cloves, wholes and lightly bashed

500g unsmoked streaky bacon

Raw sausage and chestnut stuffing


Take your turkey out of the fridge 1-2 hrs before you cook it. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan.

Starting from the neck, carefully push your fingers underneath the skin until you can get your whole hand between the skin and the breast meat – careful not to tear the skin as you go. Push the stuffing into the pocket made between the skin and breast meat.

Put the clementine, onion quarters and bay inside the cavity & season the bird all over. Any leftover stuffing can be cooked separately.

Put the onion disks, garlic & carrots in a roasting tin and sit the turkey on top. Lattice the streaky bacon over the top of the turkey, cover with foil and cook for the calculated required time less 30 minutes.

Remove the foil & put the bird back into the oven until the bacon is crisp. Remove the bacon if you want to crisp the skin of the turkey.

Set the bacon aside, and cook the turkey for a further 20mins. Rest the turkey for a min of 1 hour covered in foil & two tea towels.

The juices should run clear when you pierce the thickest part of the thigh, or a thermometer should read 75C.

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