Tortellini Con Panna

Tortellini Con Panna, a delightful Italian dish, combines tender meat-filled tortellini with a rich and creamy sauce. Cooking the tortellini in flavorful beef broth enhances their taste, while a luxurious blend of fresh cream and grated Parmesan cheese creates a velvety sauce.

This recipe offers a perfect balance of simplicity and indulgence, making it a comforting choice for any occasion. Enjoy the creamy texture and savory flavors of Tortellini Con Panna, finished with a generous sprinkle of Parmesan for a touch of elegance.

How to make Tortellini Con Panna


200 g of fresh meat tortellini

beef broth

100 ml of fresh cream

2-3 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese


Step 1:

When preparing tortellini with cream, the best result is obtained by cooking the tortellini in meat broth, prepared according to the basic recipe .

First of all, bring the broth to a light boil. In the meantime, with an immersion blender, emulsify the grated parmesan with 2 tablespoons of broth until obtaining a cream.

Mix the resulting cream with the fresh cream.

Alternatively, if you wish to cook the tortellini in water, salt it lightly only when it is boiling.

Step 2:

Cook the tortellini for a few minutes.

Remove them gently from the pot with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a glass or steel bowl.

Add the cream and parmesan.

Step 3:

Transfer the bowl to a pan filled with hot water and heat the tortellini in a bain-marie for a few minutes, to ensure that the cream mixes well with the fresh stuffed pasta.

Mix very delicately and serve the cream tortellini sprinkled with grated parmesan cheese to taste.


Ingredients: This recipe uses fresh meat tortellini, which are traditionally cooked in beef broth for enhanced flavor. The creamy sauce consists of fresh cream and grated Parmesan cheese, providing richness and depth to the dish.

Cooking Method: Cooking the tortellini in beef broth adds a savory dimension to the pasta. If using water instead, it’s recommended to salt it lightly only when it reaches a boil to control the saltiness.

Creamy Sauce Preparation: Emulsifying grated Parmesan cheese with a bit of broth helps create a smooth cream mixture. Mixing this with fresh cream results in a creamy sauce that coats the tortellini beautifully.

Heating Method: After cooking the tortellini, they are gently mixed with the prepared cream and Parmesan mixture in a bain-marie (water bath). This gentle heating ensures that the cream blends evenly with the pasta without curdling or separating.

Final Serving: Serve Tortellini Con Panna immediately after gently heating, ensuring the pasta is warm and the sauce is creamy. Sprinkle with additional grated Parmesan cheese for added flavor and presentation.

Variations: Feel free to customize by adding a pinch of nutmeg or a dash of white wine to the sauce for extra complexity. Freshly ground black pepper or chopped parsley can also be used as garnish.

Presentation: This dish is best served in a warm bowl or plate to maintain its temperature. It pairs well with a side of crusty bread or a light green salad.

Storage: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a day. Reheat gently over low heat, adding a splash of cream if needed to refresh the sauce.

Serving Size: The recipe yields approximately two servings, making it ideal for a cozy dinner for two or as part of a multi-course meal.

Enjoyment: Tortellini Con Panna offers a comforting and luxurious dining experience, combining the simplicity of pasta with the indulgence of a creamy sauce. It’s perfect for both casual weeknight dinners and special occasions.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 620 kcal | Protein: 17 grams | Carbohydrates: 41 grams | Sugars: 2 grams | Fat: 43 grams | Saturated Fat: 24 grams | Cholesterol: 140 mg | Sodium: 1200 mg | Fiber: 3 grams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use vegetable broth instead of beef broth?

Yes, you can substitute vegetable broth if you prefer a vegetarian version.

The flavor profile will be slightly different but still delicious.

How do I know when the tortellini is cooked perfectly?

Tortellini is typically cooked al dente, meaning it should be tender but still have a slight firmness when bitten into.

Follow the package instructions for cooking time as a guide.

Can I use dried tortellini instead of fresh?

Yes, you can use dried tortellini.

Adjust the cooking time according to the package instructions for dried pasta.

Is it necessary to use an immersion blender for the parmesan cream?

Using an immersion blender helps to emulsify the parmesan with the broth more effectively, but you can also whisk vigorously with a fork until smooth.

What should I do if my sauce is too thick or too thin?

If the sauce is too thick, you can add a little more broth or cream to thin it out.

If it’s too thin, you can simmer it for a few more minutes to reduce and thicken.

Can I add other ingredients to this recipe?

Yes, you can customize this dish by adding cooked chicken, mushrooms, or sun-dried tomatoes for extra flavor and texture.

How long should I heat the tortellini in the bain-marie?

Heat the tortellini in the bain-marie just until warmed through, about 2-3 minutes.

Be gentle to avoid breaking the tortellini.

What is the purpose of using a bain-marie for this recipe?

Heating the tortellini in a bain-marie ensures that the cream sauce blends evenly without curdling or separating, resulting in a smooth and creamy texture.

Can I make this dish ahead of time?

Yes, you can assemble the dish ahead of time and refrigerate it before baking.

Bring it to room temperature before baking to ensure even cooking.

What are some optional garnishes for serving?

You can garnish Tortellini Con Panna with freshly chopped parsley, additional grated parmesan cheese, or a drizzle of balsamic reduction for added flavor and presentation.

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