Mini Cherry Cheesecake Tacos

– My latest favorite treat is this small version of cheesecake tacos! A cinnamon and graham cracker shell is used to keep homemade cheesecake, which is then filled with cherries.

– Do you really like cheesecake as much as I do? It’s something that the people in my house can’t get enough of. Any time I think I’ve exhausted all possibilities for making this classic dessert, I do! This one is a lot of fun.

– It’s not difficult to render these delectable dessert tacos. We produce the shells, the cheesecake, and then we serve it up and enjoy it.

– There are many variations that you can add to this recipe, It’s up to you to decide how creative you want to be. Next up, here are a few ideas that I would like to try.

– Different pie flavors like strawberry, the pie filling options are various.

– Add crushed cookies like Graham Cracker or Golden Oreos.

– Are you ready for it?

You’ll need the ingredients below:

– For cream cheese, I used a block softened at room temp.

– A large spoon.Of Freshly squeezed lemon juice.

– The zest of the half of a medium lemon.

– 1/4 Cup.Of 35% cream.

– 1/2 Cup.Of icing sugar.

– 1 Large spoon.Of vanilla extract.

– 6 large white tortillas.

– A sufficient quantity Of Vegetable oil.

– 2 large spoons.Of sugar.

– 1 Large spoon.Of ground cinnamon.

– Canned pie filling, to taste, or you can use fresh berries.


– I beat the cream cheese using an electric mixer until smooth and creamy, then I added the lemon juice and zest and beat again for a few minutes more.

– After that, I added the cream and continue to beat for a few minutes until smooth and frothy, and I added the icing sugar and vanilla extract and continue to beat until well combined.

– Then, I transferred to a freezer and refrigerated for a minimum of 1 hour.

– I cut 5 or 6 mini tortillas from each big tortilla using a 3-inch round cookie cutter, approximately 30 to 40 mini tortillas in total.

– And I gently brushed the mini tortillas with oil using a kitchen brush.

– At this step, I combined the sugar and cinnamon powder in a small bowl and evenly spread the sugar and cinnamon on the oiled side of all the mini tortillas.

– I placed the mini tortillas along the perimeter of empty cake tins, pinching them slightly downwards to create little shells that can be garnished when crispy and baked.

– And I placed the garnished molds on a baking sheet in the center of the oven and baked for 8 to 10 minutes at 375 degrees F, and cooled fully before garnishing.

– I snip a corner of the freezer bag and pressed the reserved filling into each mini tortilla’s fold.

– And finally, I served promptly with a little spoonful of cherry pie filling, you can use a dollop of Chantilly cream, or a few fresh berries.


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