Impepata Di Cozze


Mussels to clean 2 kg

Black pepper to be ground at the moment to taste

Parsley to taste

Lemons to taste


Step 1:

To prepare the mussel pepper, start by cleaning the mussels .

First make sure they are all closed: any broken or open ones will be discarded.

Then remove the barnacles with a small knife1and then remove the beard.

Finally, scrape off the impurities with a new scourer.

Step 2:

Rinse the mussels carefully and move to the stove.

Heat a very large pan, throw in the mussels and immediately add the black pepper (it is better to grind the pepper at the moment, you will obtain a result with a more aromatic and intense flavour).

Step 3:

Cover with the lid and let the bivalves open completely.

Shake the pot occasionally to stir. It will take 3-4 minutes.

At the end of cooking, remove the lid and arrange on serving plates, garnishing as desired with lemon wedges and chopped parsley. Here’s your mussel sauce ready: enjoy your meal!


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