Homemade Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza

Homemade Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza?

Homemade version of classic Chicago deep-dish pizza with cheese on the bottom and top, Tasty, crispy, and spicy !!



– 3 cups white flour.

– 1/2 cup melted butter.

– 1/2 cup softened butter.

– 2 tsp granulated sugar.

– 2 tsp salt.

– 2/3 cup olive oil.

– 2 teaspoons instant yeast.

– ½ cup yellow cornmeal.

– 1 cup of water.


– 2 tbsp unsalted butter.

– 1 small grated onion.

– 1/2 tsp salt.

– 1 tsp garlic powder.

– 1 can crushed tomatoes.

– 2 tbsp chopped fresh basil.

– 1 tsp olive oil.

– 1 tsp black pepper.

– A pinch of sugar.


– I used mozzarella and cheddar cheese.


– In a large bowl, I whisked together flour, cornmeal, salt, sugar, and yeast. I added melted butter and water and mixed until fully combined.

– I coated a bowl with 1 tsp olive oil and placed the dough in the bowl. ( covered with plastic wrap and let rise about 30 – 45 minutes ) .

– Using a saucepan over medium heat, I melted butter. I cooked the onion until is golden brown.
I added cooked onion to crushed tomatoes and sugar, basil, garlic powder, black pepper, and salt, cooked the mixture again for about 20 minutes.

– Preheat your oven to 425°F (215°C).

– I removed the dough and brought it onto a floured surface. Rolled it out into a 12-inch (30 cm) circle. You want to stretch it out as much as you can to make a large circle. The dough needs to be stretched out enough to cover the bottom and sides of the baking pan.

– For each pizza, I sprinkled 2 cups of mozzarella evenly over the surface of the dough. (If you’re using any meat or veggie toppings, add them now, on top of the cheese.) .

– And I spread 1 1/2 cups tomato sauce over the cheese (or toppings) and sprinkled 2 tablespoons of Parmesan over the sauce. Bake until crust is golden brown, 20 to 30 minutes.

– I removed the pizza from the oven and let rest 10 minutes before slicing and serving.


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