Fresh Lupini (Clams), Spaghetti With Garlic And Parsley Flavor

Fresh Lupini (Clams) Spaghetti with Garlic and Parsley Flavor offers a delightful taste of the sea with every bite. This classic Italian dish combines tender littleneck clams with perfectly cooked spaghetti, infused with a rich sauce of extra virgin olive oil, white wine, and aromatic garlic. The addition of fresh parsley and an optional touch of chili pepper adds a burst of freshness and a hint of heat.

The clams are meticulously cleaned and cooked to ensure they are tender and flavorful, while their natural juices form the base of the savory sauce. Garnished with clams still in their shells, this dish is not only delicious but also visually stunning, making it a perfect centerpiece for any seafood lover’s meal.

Fresh Lupini (Clams), Spaghetti With Garlic And Parsley Flavor


500 g spaghetti 1.1 pound

2 Kg clams 4.4 pounds, littlenecks

olive oil extra virgin

150 ml wine ~¾ cup, dry and white

2 cloves garlic peeled and left whole

1 bunch parsley chopped and fresh

1 chilli pepper optional

salt coarse



Place the clams in a bowl and fill it with cool water. Add a handful of coarse salt and let them soak for about 2 hours. During this time they will spit out the sand from inside their shells. Then remove the clams from the water and scrub them to clean any particles or grit from the outside surface.

Place them in a stainless steel stockpot and cook over medium heat for about 2 or 3 minutes, NOT MORE, covered with a lid (NO oil and NO water). Pay attention to not overcook the clams otherwise they become hard and rubbery. This step is only to open the shells so that the liquid they contain comes out. IMPORTANT: discard the clams that have not opened because they are probably not so fresh.

Now you need to strain the liquid. So with a slotted spoon , remove the clams and place them in a separate dish. Then with an extra fine mesh strainer, filter the liquid to remove any residual sand. In fact the liquid, that is pure clam and sea flavor, is used to make the clam sauce and is essential for the recipe so don’t thrown it away!

Now remove the clams from the shell. Place them on a plate with a little liquid to keep them soft. Keep some clams in their shells which will be used to decorate your dishes before serving.


In a stainless steel dutch oven casserole heat plenty of extra virgin olive oil and two cloves of garlic, peeled and left whole. Sauté for about 3 minutes over medium heat, then add the clams and (if you like) the red chilli pepper.

Stir and cook for 1 or 2 minutes then raise the heat and blend with the dry white wine. Let the wine evaporate over high heat for 1 minute then add a ladle of clams water you had set aside.

Stir and cook over high heat for 5 minutes then remove the garlic cloves and the red chilli pepper.
Now add plenty of chopped parsley and turn off the heat. The clam sauce is ready! Next steps we are going to cook and season spaghetti.


Fill a large pasta pot with water, bring to a boil and then add the coarse salt. When the water boils, put spaghetti. Cook the spaghetti following the cooking times written on their packaging.
1 minute before the end of cooking, with the help of a spaghetti strainer, drain and place them directly in the saucepan with the clam sauce.

Finish cooking over high heat for about 1 or 2 minutes, stirring constantly. In this way the pasta absorb even more flavor and juices of the clam sauce. Serve hot adding the clams in the shell as decoration.


Clam Preparation: Properly cleaning clams is crucial. Soaking them in salted water helps them expel any sand or grit. Ensure you scrub the shells thoroughly to remove any remaining particles. Discard clams that do not open after cooking as they may not be fresh.

Cooking Clams: Only cook the clams for 2 to 3 minutes to open the shells; overcooking can make them rubbery. The initial steaming helps release the flavorful clam juice, which is essential for the sauce.

Straining the Liquid: Strain the clam juice carefully to remove sand. This liquid enhances the clam sauce with a deep, briny flavor.

Garlic and Olive Oil: Sautéing garlic in olive oil infuses the oil with garlic flavor. Using whole garlic cloves ensures a milder garlic taste compared to minced garlic, which can become too intense if overcooked.

Wine Addition: The dry white wine adds acidity and depth to the sauce. Allow it to cook off over high heat to concentrate its flavors and reduce the alcohol.

Pasta Cooking: Cooking the spaghetti just shy of al dente before adding it to the clam sauce allows it to finish cooking and absorb the sauce’s flavors.

Finishing the Dish: Tossing the cooked spaghetti in the sauce for the final minute helps the pasta absorb the clam and garlic flavors, ensuring every bite is delicious.

Optional Chili Pepper: Adding a chili pepper provides a subtle heat to the dish. Adjust the amount based on your preference for spiciness.

Decorating with Clams: Keep some clams in their shells for serving to add a decorative touch and enhance the presentation of the dish.

Serving: Serve the spaghetti immediately after tossing with the sauce to ensure the pasta remains well-coated and does not become soggy.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 510 | Total Fat: 12 g | Saturated Fat: 2 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 95 mg | Sodium: 1,100 mg | Total Carbohydrates: 70 g | Dietary Fiber: 4 g | Sugars: 2 g | Protein: 27 g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of pasta?

Yes, you can use other types of pasta such as linguine, fettuccine, or even penne.

Adjust the cooking time according to the pasta type you choose.

What if I can’t find littleneck clams?

If littleneck clams are unavailable, you can use other types of clams such as Manila clams or cockles.

Just ensure they are fresh and clean properly.

How do I store leftover clam sauce?

Store leftover clam sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheat gently on the stove or in the microwave, adding a splash of water or wine if needed.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

You can prepare the clam sauce ahead of time and cook the pasta just before serving.

Store the sauce separately and combine with freshly cooked spaghetti when ready to serve.

How do I clean clams properly?

Soak clams in cool water with coarse salt for about 2 hours to help them expel sand.

Scrub the outside of the clams under running water.

Discard any clams that do not open after cooking.

Can I use frozen clams instead of fresh?

Yes, you can use frozen clams.

Thaw them in the refrigerator before cooking.

Be sure to drain and rinse them well, as frozen clams can sometimes have excess water.

What can I use instead of white wine?

If you prefer not to use white wine, you can substitute with chicken or vegetable broth for a non-alcoholic option.

You can also use dry vermouth or a splash of lemon juice for a similar flavor profile.

How spicy will this dish be with the optional chili pepper?

The dish will be mildly spicy if you use the chili pepper, as it is optional and can be adjusted to taste.

For a milder version, you can omit the chili pepper entirely.

What is the purpose of cooking the clams separately before adding them to the sauce?

Cooking the clams separately helps to release their natural juices, which adds flavor to the sauce.

It also ensures that the clams are not overcooked, keeping them tender.

Can I add vegetables to this recipe?

Yes, you can add vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, spinach, or zucchini.

Add them to the sauce along with the clams to cook until tender.

Adjust the cooking time as needed based on the vegetables used.

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