Cheesy Bacon Potatoes


4-5 russet potatoes, sliced thin

½ stick butter, melted

Salt & pepper to taste

Cheddar cheese, sour cream, bacon, and green onion for garnish


Step 1:

Preheat oven and prepare baking sheet with nonstick spray

Slice potatoes and arrange them single layer on baking sheet

Step 2:

Brush with melted butter

Sprinkle with salt & pepper to taste

Step 3:

Bake about 30 minutes until potatoes are tender

Top with cheese and bacon and bake 5-10 more minutes

Step 4:

Garnish with sour cream and green onion

Serve and enjoy!


Serving Size: 1

Amount Per Serving

Calories: 120 | Total Fat: 22g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Trans Fat: 10g | Cholesterol: 240mg | Sodium: 240mg | Carbohydrates: 160g | Sugar: 20g | Protein: 12g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of potato for this recipe?

While russet potatoes work well, you can experiment with Yukon Gold or red potatoes for variations in texture and flavor.

How thin should the potato slices be?

Aim for uniform slices about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick for even cooking.

Can I use olive oil instead of melted butter?

Yes, you can substitute olive oil for a different flavor profile.

What other seasonings can I add to enhance the flavor?

Consider adding garlic powder, paprika, or dried herbs like thyme or rosemary.

Is it necessary to preheat the oven before baking?

Yes, preheating ensures even cooking and helps achieve a crispy texture.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time and reheat it?

While best enjoyed fresh, you can reheat in the oven or microwave.

Note that the texture may differ slightly.

What type of cheese works best for this dish?

Cheddar is a popular choice, but you can use your favorite melting cheese like mozzarella or Monterey Jack.

Can I omit bacon for a vegetarian version?

Absolutely, feel free to omit the bacon or substitute with vegetarian bacon bits.

How do I know when the potatoes are tender during baking?

Check with a fork or knife; they should pierce through easily when the potatoes are tender.

Can I customize the garnishes to my liking?

Certainly! Experiment with toppings like diced tomatoes, jalapeños, or avocado for a personalized touch.

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