Caldo De Pollo Con Chile Rojo (Red Chili Chicken Broth)


2 jitomatoes

6 dried chilies

1 chipotle chili (dry)

11⁄2 liters of water

1 garlic

2 large white potatoes

4 carrots Salt Oil as needed


Boil the chicken in boiling water.

Add a little salt in the cooking.

Remove from fire when the chicken is well cooked.

Thaw the chili peppers and remove the seeds.

In another pan, put 2 cups of chicken broth, the guajillos and the two tomatoes, let boil for 5 minutes.

Then empty the contents of the pan in the blender and add the garlic.

Grind to form a tersa and uniform mixture.

Peel the carrots and potatoes, and cut them, shredded carrots and big cubed potatoes.

Remove the remaining chicken pieces from the chicken broth, and put the broth back in the fire.

Add the chopped veggies

When the potatoes feel cooked (without throwing away), add the guajillo chili sauce you made in the blender.

Stir, cover and let cook for 10 more minutes.

Finally, without turning off the fire, add to the chicken chili broth with guajillo the chicken pieces, cover and let it boil again for another 5 minutes.

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