Big Ole Batch of Pico De Gallo

How to make Big Ole Batch of Pico De Gallo


8 jalapeños with some seeds which was too many seeds for me

4lb onion,

6lb Roma tomatoes,

3 bunches of cilantro with stems chopped as I feel all the flavor is locked in the stems,

lemon juice,

3-4tbsp of minced garlic

salt and pepper to taste


Step 1:

In a medium serving bowl, combine the chopped onion, jalapeño, lime juice and salt.

Let it marinate for about 5 minutes while you chop the tomatoes and cilantro.

Step 2:

Add the chopped tomatoes and cilantro to the bowl and stir to combine.

Taste, and add more salt if the flavors don’t quite sing.

Step 3:

For the best flavor, let the mixture marinate for 15 minutes or several hours in the refrigerator.

Serve as a dip, or with a slotted spoon or large serving fork to avoid transferring too much watery tomato juice with your pico.

Pico de gallo keeps well in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 4 days.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 15 calories | Carbohydrates: 3g | Dietary Fiber: 1g | Sugars: 1g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 0g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I adjust the spiciness level of the pico de gallo?

Yes, you can control the spiciness by adjusting the number of jalapeños and the amount of seeds you include.

Removing more seeds and membranes from the jalapeños will reduce the heat level.

If you prefer a milder version, consider using fewer jalapeños.

Can I use canned or diced tomatoes instead of Roma tomatoes?

While using fresh Roma tomatoes is recommended for the best texture and flavor, you can substitute canned diced tomatoes if needed.

Just make sure to drain them well before adding to the recipe.

How should I store leftovers of the pico de gallo?

Store the leftover pico de gallo in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It’s best to cover it with plastic wrap directly touching the surface to minimize air exposure.

The pico de gallo should stay fresh for up to 4 days.

Can I omit the cilantro stems and use only the leaves?

While the recipe suggests using cilantro stems for added flavor, you can certainly use only the leaves if you prefer.

The stems do contain flavor and can be finely chopped for a more intense cilantro taste.

Can I add other ingredients to customize the pico de gallo?

Absolutely! Pico de gallo is versatile, and you can customize it to your liking.

Consider adding diced bell peppers, red onions, or even a touch of diced mango for a hint of sweetness.

Just remember to maintain a balance of flavors and textures.

Can I prepare the pico de gallo in advance?

Absolutely! You can chop the ingredients and marinate them in Step 1, then refrigerate the mixture until you’re ready to assemble and serve.

The flavors will continue to meld, enhancing the taste over time.

Can I substitute the Roma tomatoes with a different variety?

While Roma tomatoes are commonly used due to their texture and flavor, you can experiment with other tomato varieties if desired.

Keep in mind that different tomatoes may vary in juiciness and taste, which can impact the final result.

What’s the purpose of marinating the mixture?

Marinating the mixture in Step 1 allows the flavors to meld and intensify.

The salt, lime juice, and jalapeños work together to enhance the overall taste of the pico de gallo.

It’s a crucial step for achieving a well-balanced flavor profile.

Can I make adjustments to the seasonings?

Absolutely! The recipe provides guidelines for seasoning, but taste preferences can vary.

Feel free to adjust the amount of salt, pepper, and lemon juice to match your personal taste.

The key is to taste as you go and make modifications accordingly.

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