Tinga de Pollo


1-2 Chicken breast (ur choice)

1-2 Chipotle Chile cans

1 Jitomate

1 Garlic glove

1-2 onions

salt for flavor


First you boil chicken add(water, salt. garlic, a piece of onion) boil untill being able to shred **I crockpot it for time sake and save the stock. **

Shred chicken and save chicken stock .

Boil your Jitomates along with the garlic and oninon.

Cut your onion into half moons, i like to add a Whole onion for flavor.

Blend the Jitomate,garlic, onion, the cans of Chipotle can, and add your chicken stock. Blend and taste if you want it more spicy add another can of chipotle.

Taste for salt, add if you need too.

Set your pan on medium low heat , add your chipotle salsa with the onions( let it cook untill onions are halt way cooked.

Add chicken and put the lid, I like my tinga to be saucy so you can stop it and if you like it saucy or prefer more dry you can definitely stop it.

Serve to your preference I make tostadas de Tinga I add refried beans with the Tinga, lettuce, Maynosa McCormick, queso freso, and Salsa Verde with Jalapenos en vingre.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 250 kcal | Total Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 70mg | Sodium: 800mg | Total Carbohydrates: 10g | Dietary Fiber: 3g | Sugars: 4g | Protein: 40g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use boneless, skinless chicken thighs instead of chicken breast?

Yes, you can use boneless, skinless chicken thighs if you prefer.

They will add a slightly different flavor and texture to the dish but will work well with the other ingredients.

How spicy is Tinga de Pollo with chipotle chiles?

The spiciness of Tinga de Pollo can vary depending on personal preference and the amount of chipotle chiles used.

Chipotle chiles are moderately spicy, so using 1-2 cans should provide a mild to medium level of heat.

You can adjust the spiciness by adding more or fewer chiles according to your taste.

Can I make Tinga de Pollo ahead of time?

Yes, Tinga de Pollo can be made ahead of time and reheated before serving. In fact, many people find that the flavors of the dish improve after sitting for a day or two in the refrigerator.

Simply store it in an airtight container and reheat it on the stove or in the microwave when ready to serve.

What can I serve Tinga de Pollo with?

Tinga de Pollo is a versatile dish that can be served in various ways.

Traditionally, it is served on tostadas or tacos, but you can also serve it with rice, beans, tortillas, or alongside a salad.

Feel free to customize it with your favorite toppings and sides.

How long does Tinga de Pollo last in the refrigerator?

Tinga de Pollo will typically last for 3-4 days in the refrigerator when stored properly in an airtight container.

Be sure to allow it to cool completely before refrigerating, and reheat it thoroughly before serving.

If you’re not able to finish it within that time frame, you can freeze it for longer storage.

Can I use other cuts of chicken besides chicken breast?

Yes, you can use chicken thighs, drumsticks, or a combination of different cuts.

Just adjust the cooking time accordingly, as darker meat may take longer to cook than chicken breast.

How do I adjust the spiciness of Tinga de Pollo to my preference?

You can control the spiciness by adjusting the amount of chipotle chiles you use.

Start with one can and taste the salsa before adding more.

Additionally, you can remove the seeds and membranes from the chipotle chiles for a milder flavor.

Can I make Tinga de Pollo in advance?

Yes, Tinga de Pollo can be made in advance and reheated before serving.

In fact, the flavors often improve when the dish is allowed to sit for a few hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

What can I do with the leftover Tinga de Pollo?

Leftover Tinga de Pollo can be used in tacos, burritos, quesadillas, enchiladas, or even as a topping for salads or baked potatoes.

It’s a versatile dish that can be repurposed in many ways.

Is it necessary to blend the salsa ingredients or can I chop them finely instead?

Blending the salsa ingredients helps create a smooth and cohesive sauce, but you can certainly chop them finely if you prefer a chunkier texture.

Just keep in mind that the consistency of the sauce will be different.

How long should I simmer the Tinga de Pollo after adding the chicken?

After adding the chicken, simmer the Tinga de Pollo for about 10-15 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together and for the chicken to absorb the sauce.

Can I freeze Tinga de Pollo for later use?

Yes, Tinga de Pollo freezes well.

Allow it to cool completely before transferring it to a freezer-safe container.

It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Thaw overnight in the refrigerator before reheating.

What side dishes pair well with Tinga de Pollo?

Tinga de Pollo pairs well with rice, beans, tortillas, avocado, fresh cilantro, and lime wedges.

You can also serve it with Mexican-style rice, refried beans, or a simple salad.

Can I make Tinga de Pollo without chipotle chiles?

While chipotle chiles are a key ingredient in Tinga de Pollo, you can substitute them with other types of chiles or hot sauce if you prefer.

Adjust the amount to suit your taste preferences.

How can I make Tinga de Pollo healthier?

To make Tinga de Pollo healthier, you can use skinless chicken breasts or thighs, trim any visible fat, and reduce the amount of salt used.

Additionally, you can add more vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, or zucchini to increase the nutritional value of the dish.

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