Spaghetti al Pomodoro Con Polpette



1.5 kg of mola and piccadilly tomatoes (or canned peeled ones)

3 basil leaves

1/2 onion

2 bay leaves

oil to taste

Salt to taste

1/2 glass of white wine

100g of mixed mince


400 g of mixed minced meat

100 g of semi-mature pecorino cheese

2 tablespoons stale bread (plus more for covering)

2 eggs

1/2 clove of garlic

2 stalks of parsley

1/2 liter of peanut oil


500g of fresh spaghetti alla guitar



We take the chopped mixture, we put it in a bowl, we add the eggs, the chopped parsley, the cheese, the eggs and the breadcrumbs, the chopped garlic, if it is a little dry, add a drop of milk (I didn’t add it this time) and mix it together.

Make the meatballs all the same size, roll them in the breadcrumbs

Take a frying pan, add the oil and let it reach temperature (dip with a wooden spoon when it bubbles and is ready) when the oil reaches the temperature we immerse our meatballs, spaced apart from each other and let them fry 6 minutes in total, turning them (they finish cooking in the pan), take them out and place them on absorbent paper

Keep them aside


Open and blend the peeled tomatoes or (as I did) put the water to boil
we chop the onion

As soon as it boils we lower our tomatoes for 1 minute, drain them and put them in a jug, blend them with the immersion arm

We can already boil the water for the pasta

Take a pan and put 100 ml of oil and the onion, turn on a high heat and add the minced meat and the bay leaves, let it seal the meat for a few minutes, add the white wine and let it evaporate for 2 minutes

Pour in the blended fresh tomato and add salt, lower the heat to minimum and cook for about 30 minutes, then add the meatballs, cover it and let it cook for 10 minutes with the lid on


As soon as the water boils, we add it and add the pasta

Let it go for the cooking time indicated on the package or taste if we use homemade pasta

We drain the pasta, we pour it back into the pan, we add two ladles of sauce, we plate it

We serve with another ladle of sauce, a sprinkling of cheese and the meatballs

Nutrition Information:

For One Serving:

Calories: 450 kcal | Protein: 16g | Carbohydrates: 57g | Fat: 18g | Fiber: 5g | Sodium: 450mg | Sugar: 8g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use canned tomatoes instead of fresh tomatoes for the sauce?

Yes, you can substitute fresh tomatoes with canned peeled tomatoes.

Ensure you choose high-quality canned tomatoes for the best flavor.

Can I use a different type of oil for frying the meatballs?

Certainly, you can use alternative oils for frying, such as vegetable oil or canola oil, based on your preference and dietary considerations.

Is there a recommended alternative for peanut oil in this recipe?

Absolutely, you can use other high-heat oils like vegetable or sunflower oil as a substitute for peanut oil when frying the meatballs.

Can I make the meatballs ahead of time and refrigerate them before frying?

Yes, you can prepare the meatballs in advance and refrigerate them until you’re ready to fry.

This can be a time-saving option for meal preparation.

What’s the best way to reheat the pasta if made in advance?

To reheat the pasta, you can place it in a microwave-safe dish with a bit of water, cover, and microwave in short intervals, or reheat on the stovetop with a little additional sauce to prevent drying.

Stirring occasionally will help distribute the heat evenly.

Can I use different types of meat for the meatballs?

Yes, you can experiment with various meats or a mix of meats for the meatballs.

Popular choices include beef, pork, or veal, depending on your preference.

Can I use dried basil instead of fresh basil leaves in the sauce?

Certainly, you can substitute dried basil for fresh basil leaves.

However, remember that dried herbs are more concentrated, so adjust the quantity to taste.

Is there an alternative to peanut oil for frying the meatballs?

Yes, you can use other high-heat oils like vegetable oil or canola oil instead of peanut oil for frying the meatballs.

Can I make the sauce ahead of time and refrigerate it?

Absolutely, you can prepare the sauce in advance and refrigerate it.

This can enhance the flavors as the sauce develops over time.

Reheat gently before serving.

Are there recommended side dishes to serve with Spaghetti al Pomodoro Con Polpette?

Traditional choices include a simple green salad or crusty bread.

You can also pair it with a light vegetable side dish like roasted asparagus or steamed broccoli for a balanced meal.

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