Classic Beef And Veggie Soup


3 lbs ground beef (we like beef in this house lol)

a chopped onion

two diced potatoes (skin on or off)

a large can of Campbell’s condensed tomato soup

two empty can fulls of water

a bag of mixed veggies

salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste
(I also added about 5 tbsp of crystal hotsauce to mine)


Cook beef with potatoes and onions until browned on medium high heat,

Drain grease,

Add tomato soup and water,

Add veggies,

Season to taste and let simmer until veggies are tender after bringing soup to a boil.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1 cup

Calories: 250 kcal | Protein: 15g | Fat: 15g | Carbohydrates: 15g | Dietary Fiber: 3g | Sugars: 3g | Sodium: 800

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use lean ground beef instead of regular ground beef?

Yes, you can use lean ground beef if you prefer a lower-fat option.

It’s a versatile recipe, and you can adjust the meat according to your preferences.

Is it necessary to drain the grease after cooking the beef?

It’s recommended to drain the excess grease for a lighter and less oily soup.

This step helps control the overall fat content of the dish.

Can I substitute fresh tomatoes for canned tomato soup?

While you can use fresh tomatoes, the canned tomato soup provides a concentrated flavor and thickness to the soup.

If substituting, consider adjusting the liquid content and seasoning accordingly.

Are there alternative vegetables I can use in the soup?

Absolutely! Feel free to customize the vegetable mix based on your preferences.

Carrots, celery, peas, or green beans are excellent additions.

What is the purpose of adding hot sauce to the soup?

Adding hot sauce is optional and can enhance the soup’s flavor with a spicy kick.

Adjust the quantity based on your spice preference.

How long should I let the soup simmer for the best flavor?

Simmering allows the flavors to meld.

Aim for at least 20-30 minutes after bringing the soup to a boil.

Longer simmering can intensify the taste.

Can I make this soup ahead of time?

Yes, this soup reheats well, and making it ahead of time can enhance the flavors.

Store it in the refrigerator and reheat on the stove or in the microwave.

Is it necessary to peel the potatoes?

Whether you peel the potatoes is a personal preference.

Leaving the skin on adds extra nutrients and texture, but peeling is fine if you prefer a smoother consistency.

What other seasonings can I use besides salt, pepper, and garlic powder?

Experiment with herbs like thyme, rosemary, or bay leaves for added depth.

Seasonings like cumin or paprika can also complement the flavors.

Can I freeze this soup?

Yes, this soup freezes well. Allow it to cool completely before transferring it to airtight containers.

Freeze for up to three months, and thaw and reheat when ready to enjoy.

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