Sopa de Conchas Con Picadillo

Sopa de Conchas Con Picadillo


3 tablespoons olive oil

2 cups medium pasta shells uncooked

1 pound ground beef chuck

salt to taste

pepper to taste

1/2 cup white onion diced

2 cloves garlic minced

4 roma tomatoes quartered

1 cup tomato sauce

1 teaspoon mexican oregano crushed

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

3 cups chicken broth


Heat 3 tablespoons of oil to medium heat in a deep skillet.

Add the pasta shells and cook, stirring often, until shells begin to toast lightly and become golden brown in spots.

Use a slotted spoon to remove the shells from hot oil and transfer to a bowl. Set aside.

In that same deep skillet, turn heat up and add the beef.

Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Cook until beef begins to caramelize in some spots.

Add the onions, garlic and serrano.

Sauté for 5 minutes.

While that cooks, add the tomatoes, tomato sauce, oregano, cumin and chicken broth to the blender.

Blend on high until smooth.

Pour tomato mixture into skillet with the picadillo.

Add bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper, as needed.

Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Add in the reserved toasted conchas.

Stir well to combine, cover and reduce heat to low.

Continue cooking for 10 minutes or until pasta is cooked through.

Stir in peas and carrots, cover and let sit for 5 minutes.

Serve with warm corn tortillas.


Texture Variation: Toasting the pasta shells before cooking adds a delightful crunch and depth of flavor to the dish.

Tomato Base: Blending the tomato mixture creates a smooth and consistent base for the soup, ensuring a rich and flavorful broth.

Customization: This recipe offers flexibility in protein choice, allowing for substitutes like ground turkey or pork, catering to different dietary preferences.

Vegetable Additions: While the recipe includes peas and carrots, additional vegetables like bell peppers or corn can enhance both the nutritional profile and visual appeal.

Spice Adjustment: The spice level can be tailored to individual preferences by adjusting the amount of red pepper flakes or serrano peppers.

Vegetarian Option: By omitting the beef and using vegetable broth, the dish can be easily adapted to suit a vegetarian diet.

Make-Ahead Friendly: The soup freezes well, making it convenient for meal prep. It can be stored in the freezer for up to three months.

Accompaniments: Serving with warm corn tortillas complements the flavors of the soup and adds a comforting element to the meal.

Nutritional Balance: With a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables, this soup provides a wholesome and satisfying meal option.

Cultural Influence: The blend of spices and ingredients reflects the vibrant flavors of Mexican cuisine, offering a taste of traditional culinary heritage.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 484 kcal | Total Fat: 26g | Saturated Fat: 8g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 67mg | Sodium: 811mg | Total Carbohydrate: 39g | Dietary Fiber: 4g | Sugars: 7g | Protein: 25g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of pasta instead of medium pasta shells?

Yes, you can use a different type of pasta if desired. However, the cooking time may vary depending on the pasta shape and size.

Can I substitute ground beef with another type of meat?

Yes, you can substitute ground beef with ground turkey, chicken, or pork according to your preference or dietary needs.

Is it necessary to blend the tomato mixture?

Blending the tomato mixture helps create a smooth and consistent base for the soup.

However, if you prefer a chunkier texture, you can skip the blending step.

Can I omit or adjust the amount of spices used?

Absolutely! The spices in the recipe can be adjusted to suit your taste preferences.

Feel free to add more or less of the Mexican oregano, ground cumin, salt, or pepper as desired.

Can I add other vegetables to the soup?

Yes, you can customize the soup by adding additional vegetables such as bell peppers, zucchini, or corn.

Just make sure to adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure they are cooked to your desired tenderness.

Can I make this recipe vegetarian?

Yes, you can make a vegetarian version of this soup by omitting the ground beef and using vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.

You can also add additional vegetables or substitute the meat with plant-based alternatives if desired.

Can I freeze the leftovers?

Yes, you can freeze the leftover soup for future consumption. Allow the soup to cool completely, then transfer it to an airtight container or freezer bags.

It can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw and reheat before serving.

Can I adjust the spice level of the soup?

Yes, you can adjust the spice level by adding more or less crushed red pepper flakes, serrano peppers, or other hot spices according to your preference.

Taste the soup as you go and adjust the seasoning accordingly.

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