Taquito de Carne Asada Con Guacamole


4 tbsp. vegetable oil

3 garlic cloves

1 onion in pieces

6 chipotle peppers in adobo

3/4 kg. beef (vacuum steak)

1 kg. diced okra

1 tbsp. chopped coriander

2 tbsp. chopped onion

juice of 1 lemon

1/2 chopped tomato

8 wheat tortillas

salt and pepper


Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat and brown the chopped garlic and onion for 10 minutes.

Remove the dressing and add the peppers.

Cook for 10 minutes, until soft.

Blend the dressing with the chili peppers until you get a cream.

Season with salt and pepper.

Separately, put the meat in a bowl, cover it with the chipotle cream and cover.

Take to the refrigerator and let macerate for two hours.

Then let sit at room temperature for another hour.

Remove the meat from the bowl and put it in a skillet or on a grill over medium heat and cook for eight minutes per side, basting with the mashing liquid.

Remove from heat and let sit for eight minutes.

Cut meat into thin slices and chop. Reserve hot.

To prepare the guacamole

In a bowl mix the avocado, cilantro and chopped onion.

Mash lightly with a fork and season with salt and a few drops of lemon juice.

Add the tomato and integrate

Heat the tortillas in a skillet without oil or medium heat, for 30 seconds, until soft.

Place some of the meat on each tortilla, fold into a taco, and serve with the guacamole.

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