Soupe Au Pistou


2 liters of vegetable broth

2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced

2 medium carrots, peeled and diced

1 medium onion chopped

2 cloves of garlic, minced

200 g green beans, cut into pieces

200 g of fresh coconut beans preferably

2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced

2 medium zucchini, diced

50 g of spaghetti cut into pieces of approximately 2 cm

Salt and pepper to taste


2 cloves garlic

50 g fresh, chopped basil

50 ml olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste


In a large saucepan or pressure cooker, heat the vegetable stock over medium heat.

Add the potatoes, carrots, onion and garlic to the hot broth. Simmer for about 10 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.

Add the green beans, coconut beans, tomatoes and zucchini to the pan. Continue cooking for about 10 more minutes.

Add the spaghetti cut into very small pieces and cook for an additional 5 minutes. (Remember to check the cooking time of the pasta).

Once the vegetables in the soup are cooked, remove the pan from the heat. Add the prepared pesto to the soup and mix well to incorporate.

Return the pan to low heat for another 2 to 3 minutes to reheat the soup.

Taste the soup and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper if necessary

Preparation of Pistou

Prepare the pistou using a mortar and pestle or a chopper. Crush the garlic cloves with a pinch of salt until you have a smooth paste. Add the fresh basil and continue to mash until the leaves are well incorporated.

Add the olive oil little by little until you obtain a smooth consistency.

Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 220 kcal | Protein: 4g | Carbohydrates: 38g | Dietary Fiber: 7g | Sugars: 7g | Fat: 7g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 1200mg | Potassium: 750mg |

Pistou (per tablespoon):

Calories: 60 kcal | Protein: 1g | Carbohydrates: 1g | Dietary Fiber: 0g | Sugars: 0g | Fat: 7g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 30mg | Potassium: 20mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use store-bought vegetable broth for Soupe Au Pistou?

Yes, you can use store-bought vegetable broth if you don’t have homemade broth.

Ensure it’s of good quality for rich flavor.

Can I substitute any vegetables in Soupe Au Pistou?

Absolutely! Feel free to customize with your favorite vegetables, adjusting cooking times accordingly.

How can I make the pistou without a mortar and pestle?

Use a chopper or blender to make the pistou. Pulse garlic and basil, then gradually add olive oil until smooth.

Can I make Soupe Au Pistou ahead of time?

Yes, it reheats well. Store soup and pistou separately, combining before serving.

Is there a gluten-free option for the pasta in this recipe?

Yes, you can use gluten-free pasta or omit it altogether for a low-carb version.

Can I freeze Soupe Au Pistou?

Freeze the soup without the pistou. Thaw and make fresh pistou when serving.

What is the purpose of coconut beans in this soup?

Coconut beans add a unique flavor and texture, but you can substitute with other beans or omit them.

Can I use dried basil for the pistou?

Fresh basil is recommended, but if unavailable, you can use dried basil, adjusting quantities to taste.

How do I prevent overcooking the vegetables in this soup?

Monitor cooking times and add vegetables progressively to ensure they’re all cooked to perfection.

Can I make Soupe Au Pistou vegan?

Certainly, use vegetable oil instead of olive oil in the pistou, and ensure the vegetable broth is vegan-friendly.

Omit the sour cream or use a non-dairy alternative.

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