Lagane And Chickpeas


For the lagane:

175 gr of durum wheat semolina flour

75 grams of flour ’00

125 grams of warm water

2 pinches of salt

For the chickpea soup:

400 grams of dried chickpeas (or 2 cans of canned chickpeas)

5/6 cherry tomatoes

extra virgin olive oil

2 cloves of garlic

fresh parsley


pepper (optional)


First of all, at least 24 hours before, soak the chickpeas with plenty of water and a pinch of baking soda. You can skip this step if you are using precooked chickpeas.

Then prepare the lagane dough: mix the flours together with the salt, add water, knead until it forms a ball. If necessary, add a pinch of semolina flour.

Then roll out the dough with the machine. naturally passing over several times with the help of 00 flour to a thickness of 3; or proceed by hand with the help of a long rolling pin and 00 flour

The dough must be thin but porous about 3 mm.

finally obtained some laganas 15 – 18 cm long and 2.5 cm wide

set to dry sprinkled with 100% flour for about 1 hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the chickpea soup. Fry the peeled and lightly mashed tomatoes with 2-3 tablespoons of oil for 1 minute, add the washed and halved cherry tomatoes, leave to flavor for 1 minute. then add the chickpeas.

Finally add parsley, turn and brown for 1 minute. Add 2 glasses of water and let the chickpeas simmer for about 20 minutes

at the end of the indicated time, set aside 2 tablespoons of whole chickpeas. Add 1 more glass of water to the pot: cook again for about 10 minutes.

In this case I made a dish for 2 people. if you have prepared all the indicated dose, it is very important to cook the lagane in a very large pan containing the chickpeas. so that they are not placed against each other but “scattered” it will take 3 – 4 minutes to cook.

So if you cooked the chickpeas in a small pot, transfer everything to a large saucepan, let the mixture take the rather watery mixture and add the lagane:

Finally, place on low heat and do not turn but rotate the pot so that the contents of the soup go to the lagane. cook for 2 minutes. when the dough has set, turn once, add salt, continue to cook for 1 minute more. Add the whole chickpeas, a drizzle of oil and serve hot.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 400 kcal | Carbohydrates: 70 g | Protein: 15 g | Fat: 6 g | Fiber: 12 g

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is lagane?

Lagane is a type of pasta, traditionally homemade in Southern Italy.

It is made from a simple dough of durum wheat semolina, ’00’ flour, water, and salt.

Can I use store-bought pasta for this recipe?

Yes, you can use store-bought pasta if you don’t want to make lagane from scratch.

Choose a pasta type that is similar to the thickness and shape of lagane.

What is ’00’ flour, and can I substitute it?

’00’ flour is a finely ground Italian flour.

You can substitute it with all-purpose flour, although it may slightly alter the texture.

Do I need to soak dried chickpeas overnight?

Yes, it’s recommended to soak dried chickpeas for at least 24 hours before cooking to soften them.

If using canned chickpeas, you can skip this step.

Can I use canned chickpeas instead of dried ones?

Yes, you can use canned chickpeas.

Adjust the cooking time accordingly since canned chickpeas are already cooked.

How thin should I roll out the lagane dough?

Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 3 mm.

The goal is to achieve thin, porous pasta.

Can I customize the chickpea soup ingredients?

Absolutely! Feel free to add vegetables or spices according to your taste.

Some variations include spinach, carrots, or a pinch of red pepper flakes.

How do I know when the lagane is cooked?

Lagane cook quickly, around 3-4 minutes.

Cook until they are al dente, meaning they have a firm bite.

What’s the purpose of setting aside some chickpeas during cooking?

Setting aside some chickpeas adds texture to the dish.

They can be added later for a more varied consistency.

Can I make lagane and chickpeas in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the components in advance and assemble them when ready to serve.

Store lagane and chickpea soup separately for the best results.

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