Hot Fudgey Brownie Bread

Indulge your sweet tooth with this decadent treat that combines the best of brownies and bread into one irresistible creation. Hot Fudgey Brownie Bread takes the rich, fudgy goodness of brownies and transforms it into a delightful loaf.

With just a few simple ingredients and straightforward steps, this recipe offers a moist and chocolatey bread that’s perfect for satisfying dessert cravings or impressing guests with its gooey, fudge topping.

Enjoy each slice with a drizzle of warm hot fudge sauce for an extra touch of indulgence. It’s a must-try for any chocolate lover!

Hot Fudgey Brownie Bread


1 box Brownie Mix

24 ounces Hot fudge sauce

⅓ cup Canola Oil

Hot Fudge Sauce for use as a topping


Step 1:

Preheat the oven to 350*

Spray a loaf pan lightly with nonstick spray

Step 2:

In a large bowl, mix together the brownie mix, 12 ounces of hot fudge sauce, 3 eggs and the oil until combined

Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and place in oven

Step 3:

Bake for 50 to 55 minutes

Use a toothpick to check for doneness, bake another 5 to 10 minutes if needed

Remove from the oven and set aside to cool

Step 4:

Cool completely before moving to a wire rack

Heat 12 ounces of Hot Fudge Sauce and pour over the top of the loaf

Step 5:

Let sit until the hot fudge hardens

Slice and enjoy!


Simplicity: This recipe utilizes a boxed brownie mix for convenience, making it quick and easy to prepare.

Moisture: The addition of canola oil and eggs ensures a moist and rich texture, typical of brownies.

Fudge Factor: Incorporating hot fudge sauce directly into the batter enhances the chocolate flavor and adds gooey pockets throughout the bread.

Baking Tips: Ensure the loaf pan is properly greased to prevent sticking. Baking time may vary; use a toothpick to check for doneness, as the center should come out clean or with only a few moist crumbs.

Topping Variation: The recipe calls for additional hot fudge sauce as a topping, creating a glossy finish and intensifying the chocolate experience.

Cooling Process: Cooling the bread completely before slicing allows it to set and firm up, ensuring cleaner slices and better texture.

Presentation: Drizzling heated hot fudge sauce over the cooled loaf creates a visually appealing finish and adds extra richness.

Serve with Care: Letting the hot fudge topping harden slightly before slicing ensures it stays intact, making each slice both visually appealing and deliciously decadent.

Variations: Experiment with different types of hot fudge sauce flavors or add-ins like nuts or chocolate chips for a personalized touch.

Enjoyment: This recipe is perfect for satisfying chocolate cravings and is ideal for serving as a dessert or sweet treat alongside coffee or ice cream.

Nutrition Information:


Amount Per Serving:


Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use any brand of brownie mix for this recipe?

Yes, you can use your preferred brand of brownie mix for this recipe.

Choose one that you enjoy the flavor of.

What size loaf pan should I use?

Use a standard-sized loaf pan for this recipe.

If your pan is nonstick, lightly greasing it will help prevent sticking.

Can I substitute the canola oil with another type of oil?

Yes, you can use alternatives like vegetable oil or melted butter as a substitute for canola oil.

Is the hot fudge sauce a critical ingredient, or can I skip it?

The hot fudge sauce adds a rich, chocolatey flavor to the bread.

While it’s not critical, it enhances the overall taste.

How do I know when the bread is done baking?

Use a toothpick to check for doneness.

If it comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs, the bread is ready.

If needed, bake an additional 5 to 10 minutes.

Can I use an electric mixer to combine the ingredients?

Yes, you can use an electric mixer for convenience, but hand-mixing works well too.

Can I serve the bread while it’s still warm?

It’s recommended to let the bread cool completely before slicing to avoid it sticking and losing its shape.

How should I store leftovers?

Store leftover brownie bread in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a few days, or refrigerate for longer freshness.

Can I add nuts or chocolate chips to the batter for extra texture?

Absolutely! Feel free to customize your brownie bread by adding chopped nuts or chocolate chips to the batter.

Can I use the hot fudge sauce as a topping instead of pouring it over the loaf?

Yes, you can drizzle the hot fudge sauce over individual slices when serving for a more controlled and personalized topping experience.

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