Hot And Sour Soup With Thai Veggie Dumplings

This Hot And Sour Soup with Thai Veggie Dumplings recipe offers a delightful twist on the classic Asian soup, blending bold flavors with comforting ingredients. With a base of flavorful chicken stock infused with rice vinegar, soy sauce, garlic chili paste, and hot sesame oil, this soup packs a punch of tanginess and heat.

The addition of mushrooms, green onion, bamboo shoots, and shredded carrot adds depth and texture to the soup, while the combination of white pepper and red pepper flakes provides a spicy kick. Thickened with a corn starch mixture and enriched with a beaten egg stirred in a slow, clockwise motion, this soup achieves a velvety consistency with delicate egg ribbons.

For an extra treat, Trader Joe’s Frozen Thai dumplings can be added to elevate the dish. Whether enjoyed as a comforting meal on a chilly day or a flavorful appetizer, this Hot And Sour Soup with Thai Veggie Dumplings is sure to impress with its vibrant flavors and satisfying warmth.

How to make Hot And Sour Soup With Thai Veggie Dumplings


6 cups chicken stock,

1/4 cup rice vinegar,

1/4 cup soy sauce.

1 tbs garlic chili paste,

1 tsp hot sesame oil,

1/2 tsp white pepper and red pepper flakes.

I used mushrooms, green onion, bamboo shoots and shredded carrot.


Bring stock to a boil add all ingredients and simmer. Use pepper and vinegar measurements to taste.

2 tablespoons of corn starch and 1/4 c water blended. Add to broth to thicken.

1 beaten egg
Stir the soup in a clock-wise direction at a slow speed and slowly pour in the egg while stirring slowly to cook the egg while it also spreads out while it cooks.

I added some Trader Joe’s Frozen Thai dumplings for a bonus.

Most recipes call for pork and tofu but I didn’t have any on hand and this turned out fabulous just this way.


Flavorful Broth: The combination of chicken stock, rice vinegar, soy sauce, garlic chili paste, hot sesame oil, and spices like white pepper and red pepper flakes creates a rich and flavorful broth.

Customizable Ingredients: This recipe allows for flexibility in vegetable selection. Mushrooms, green onions, bamboo shoots, and shredded carrots are suggested, but you can adjust based on personal preference or availability.

Simmering Technique: Bringing the stock to a boil and then simmering with the ingredients allows the flavors to meld together, creating a well-balanced soup base.

Adjusting Seasonings: The amount of pepper and vinegar can be adjusted according to personal taste preferences. This allows for customization to achieve the desired level of spiciness and tanginess.

Thickening Agent: Corn starch blended with water is used to thicken the broth, adding a velvety texture to the soup.

Egg Technique: Adding beaten egg to the soup while stirring slowly creates delicate egg ribbons, adding texture and richness to the soup.

Optional Dumplings: Trader Joe’s Frozen Thai dumplings are suggested as an optional addition, providing convenience and an extra flavor element to the soup.

Alternative Protein Options: While traditional recipes may include pork and tofu, this version focuses on vegetables and dumplings, offering a vegetarian-friendly alternative without compromising flavor.

Versatility: This soup can be easily customized based on personal preferences and ingredient availability, making it a versatile and adaptable recipe.

Final Result: Despite the absence of traditional ingredients like pork and tofu, this soup turns out delicious and satisfying, showcasing the flavorful broth and the variety of vegetables and dumplings.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 150 | Protein: 10g | Fat: 5g | Carbohydrates: 15g | Fiber: 2g | Sodium: 800mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I customize the vegetables in this soup?

*Absolutely! Feel free to use your favorite vegetables.

Mushrooms, green onions, bamboo shoots, and shredded carrots are a great combination, but you can experiment with water chestnuts, baby corn, or bok choy.

What’s a good substitute for Thai dumplings if I can’t find them?

*If you can’t find Thai dumplings, you can use other types of dumplings or wontons available at your local grocery store.

Alternatively, tofu or additional vegetables can be added for a delicious, vegetarian option.

How can I adjust the spice level in the soup?

*Adjusting the spice level is easy. Increase or decrease the amount of garlic chili paste, hot sesame oil, white pepper, or red pepper flakes according to your preference.

Start with a smaller amount and add more if needed.

Is there a vegetarian version of this soup?

*Certainly! Replace chicken stock with vegetable stock and omit the chicken or any meat.

You can also enhance the protein content with tofu or plant-based protein alternatives.

Can I make this soup in advance?

*Yes, you can prepare the soup in advance, but it’s recommended to add the beaten egg and dumplings just before serving for the best texture.

Reheat the soup gently on the stove, and adjust the seasonings if needed before serving.

Can I use vegetable stock instead of chicken stock for a vegetarian version?

*Absolutely! You can substitute vegetable stock for chicken stock to make this soup vegetarian.

It will still be flavorful and delicious.

Are there alternative vegetables I can use in the soup?

*Certainly! While mushrooms, green onions, bamboo shoots, and shredded carrots work well, you can customize with vegetables like baby corn, water chestnuts, or bok choy based on your preferences.

Can I make the soup less spicy?

*Of course! Adjust the spice level by reducing the amount of garlic chili paste, hot sesame oil, or red pepper flakes.

Taste the soup as you add these ingredients to find the right balance for your preference.

What’s the purpose of stirring the soup in a clock-wise direction when adding the beaten egg?

*Stirring the soup in a clock-wise direction while adding the beaten egg helps create a beautiful egg ribbon effect in the soup.

It distributes the egg evenly, adding a pleasing texture.

Can I prepare this soup ahead of time?

*Yes, you can make the broth in advance and store it in the refrigerator.

Add the beaten egg and dumplings just before serving for the best taste and texture.

Reheat gently on the stove and adjust seasoning if needed.

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