Hearty Ham Swiss Cheese Peas Soup

Hearty Ham Swiss Cheese Peas Soup is a comforting and flavorful dish perfect for any occasion. This rich and creamy soup combines tender diced ham with a blend of Swiss and Parmesan cheeses, creating a savory and satisfying meal.

The addition of fresh peas and pasta adds heartiness, while a touch of nutmeg and fresh tarragon bring a hint of aromatic warmth. Ideal for warming up on a chilly day, this soup is a delightful choice for family dinners or special gatherings.


Hearty Ham Swiss Cheese Peas Soup


1 1/2 pounds of ham -diced

3/4 pound of swiss cheese -grated

1 1/2 cups of parmesan cheese-grated

1 onion-diced

4 cups warm milk

2 boxes of chicken stock

2 cups frozen peas

8 tblsp flour

8 tblsp butter

2 tblsp butter

Fresh grated nutmeg

1 pound medium shells

Fresh tarragon for garnish


Step 1:

Cook pasta according to directions..add the peas to pasta after the pasta has cooked 5 minutes.

Drain and set aside.

Step 2:

In a large stockpot, brown diced ham and saute onions in 2 tblsp of butter, remove to plate.

Melt remaining butter in pot, whisk in flour, cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Add a couple of times on the microplane grater, the nutmeg.

Add milk and cheeses, stirring constantly.

Slowly add chicken broth, stirring constantly.

Add back to the pot the ham and onions.

Add pasta and peas, stirring to combine.

Add more chicken broth if desired.

Top with fresh tarragon.


Ham: Use diced ham from a leftover holiday ham or pre-cooked ham. For a leaner option, consider using a ham steak or reduced-fat ham.

Cheese: The combination of Swiss and Parmesan cheeses gives the soup a creamy texture and robust flavor. You can substitute with other cheeses like Gruyère or a sharp cheddar if preferred.

Nutmeg: Freshly grated nutmeg adds a warm, aromatic note to the soup. Use a microplane or fine grater to avoid large chunks.

Flour and Butter: This mixture creates a roux to thicken the soup. Make sure to cook the roux for a couple of minutes to eliminate the raw flour taste.

Chicken Stock: Using boxed chicken stock is convenient, but you can use homemade stock for a richer flavor. Adjust the amount of stock based on your preferred soup consistency.

Milk: Warm milk helps in smoothly blending with the cheese and stock. Cold milk can cause the cheese to clump.

Pasta: Medium shells work well in this soup as they hold the creamy soup well. You can use other pasta shapes like elbow macaroni or small penne if needed.

Peas: Frozen peas are used for convenience, but fresh peas can be used if in season. Add them during the last few minutes of cooking to maintain their vibrant color and texture.

Garnish: Fresh tarragon provides a fragrant touch to the finished soup. You can also use fresh parsley or thyme if tarragon is not available.

Adjust Consistency: If the soup is too thick after adding the pasta and peas, add more chicken broth or milk to reach your desired consistency.

Make Ahead: This soup can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. It may thicken upon standing, so you might need to add a bit more liquid when reheating.

Freezing: This soup can be frozen, but the texture of the cheese and pasta may change slightly. To freeze, cool completely, portion into airtight containers, and freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1 cup (assuming 8 servings)

Calories: 370 | Total Fat: 21g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 85mg | Sodium: 1100mg | Total Carbohydrates: 23g | Dietary Fiber: 2g | Sugars: 8g | Protein: 22g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different type of cheese?

Yes, you can substitute Swiss cheese with Gruyère, cheddar, or any cheese that melts well. Just be aware that this may alter the flavor and texture slightly.

Can I use ham steak instead of diced ham?

Absolutely. Just dice the ham steak into small pieces before cooking.

Can I make this soup ahead of time?

Yes, the soup can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Reheat gently over low heat, adding a bit of extra broth if needed to reach the desired consistency.

Can I freeze this soup?

Yes, you can freeze the soup for up to 3 months.

However, the texture of the cheese may change upon reheating.

To freeze, cool the soup completely, then transfer to airtight containers.

What can I use instead of chicken stock?

You can substitute chicken stock with vegetable stock or broth for a different flavor profile.

Ensure that it’s low sodium if you’re watching your salt intake.

Can I use a different type of pasta?

Yes, you can use other types of pasta such as penne, elbows, or even rice.

Just adjust the cooking time based on the pasta type.

Can I make this soup without flour for thickening?

If you prefer a gluten-free version, you can use cornstarch or a gluten-free flour blend as a thickening agent.

Mix 2 tablespoons of cornstarch with a small amount of cold water and add to the soup.

How can I make this soup lighter?

To reduce the fat content, you can use low-fat cheese, less butter, and skim milk instead of whole milk.

You could also reduce the amount of cheese used.

Can I add other vegetables to this soup?

Yes, you can add vegetables like carrots, celery, or bell peppers for additional flavor and nutrients.

Just sauté them along with the onions.

How do I adjust the seasoning in this recipe?

Taste the soup before serving and adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper, or additional fresh herbs like tarragon or parsley if desired.

If the soup is too thick, you can also add more chicken broth to reach the preferred consistency.

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