Hatch Green Chile Oil


Hatch green chile


olive oil

black pepper


red pepper flakes

dried basil


Italian seasoning blend

a jar


Finely chopped roasted HOT green chile , garlic

Sautéd for just a few minutes in 1/4 cup olive oil.

Add black pepper, oregano, red pepper flakes, dried basil and rosemary, and another Italian seasoning blend I had.

Add to jar and fill to top with olive oil.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1 table spoon

Calories: 120 calories | Total Fat: 14 grams | Saturated Fat: 2 grams | Monounsaturated Fat: Approximately 10 grams (mainly from olive oil) | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1 gram | Sodium: 0 milligrams | Carbohydrates: 0.5 grams | Dietary Fiber: 0.1 grams | Sugars: 0 grams | Protein: 0.1 grams

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use store-bought Italian seasoning blend, or should I make my own?

You can use store-bought Italian seasoning blend for convenience, but making your own blend allows you to customize the flavors.

Store-bought blends often contain a mix of dried herbs like basil, oregano, thyme, and rosemary.

Feel free to adjust the blend to your taste.

How long does Hatch Green Chile Oil stay fresh, and how should I store it?

Hatch Green Chile Oil can stay fresh for several weeks to months if stored properly.

Keep it in an airtight jar or bottle in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry.

Refrigeration is not necessary, but it can extend the shelf life.

Check for any signs of spoilage, like off odors or mold, before using.

What are some uses for Hatch Green Chile Oil?

Hatch Green Chile Oil can be used to add a spicy and flavorful kick to a variety of dishes.

It’s great for drizzling over pizza, pasta, grilled vegetables, or roasted meats.

You can also use it as a marinade for chicken or fish or mix it into salad dressings for extra flavor.

Can I adjust the spiciness of the oil?

Yes, you can control the spiciness by adjusting the amount of Hatch green chile and red pepper flakes you use.

For a milder oil, use fewer chiles and less red pepper flakes.

For a spicier version, add more.

Are there any safety precautions when handling hot peppers like Hatch green chiles?

When working with hot peppers like Hatch green chiles, it’s essential to wear gloves to protect your hands from the capsaicin (the compound that makes peppers spicy).

Be cautious not to touch your face, especially your eyes, while handling hot peppers.

Wash your hands thoroughly after handling them.

If you’re sensitive to spice, consider using milder chiles or removing the seeds and membranes from the chiles to reduce the heat.

How do I roast the Hatch green chiles?

To roast Hatch green chiles, you can place them on a baking sheet or directly on an open flame (gas stovetop or grill) until the skin blisters and chars.

Then, place them in a sealed plastic bag or a covered bowl to steam for about 10 minutes.

After steaming, you can easily peel off the skin, remove the seeds, and finely chop the roasted chiles for the oil.

How long can I store Hatch Green Chile Oil, and does it need refrigeration?

Hatch Green Chile Oil can be stored in an airtight jar in a cool, dark place for several weeks to months, depending on the freshness of the ingredients.

While refrigeration isn’t necessary, it can extend the shelf life.

Keep an eye out for any signs of spoilage, such as off odors or mold, before using.

Can I use fresh herbs instead of dried ones for this recipe?

Yes, you can use fresh herbs instead of dried ones in Hatch Green Chile Oil.

Keep in mind that fresh herbs have a different flavor profile and may not last as long in the oil as dried herbs.

If using fresh herbs, consider refrigerating the oil and using it within a shorter timeframe.

How should I use Hatch Green Chile Oil in my cooking?

Hatch Green Chile Oil is a versatile condiment that can enhance the flavor of various dishes.

You can use it as a drizzle over pizza, pasta, grilled meats, or roasted vegetables.

It also makes a flavorful marinade for chicken, fish, or tofu.

Additionally, you can mix it into salad dressings, soups, or dips to add a spicy kick.

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