Crispy Cheesesteak Egg Roll Bites

Crispy Cheesesteak Egg Roll Bites offer a delightful twist on the classic Philly cheesesteak, combining savory rib eye steak, sautéed peppers, and onions encased in a crispy egg roll wrapper. These bite-sized treats are perfect for appetizers or as a satisfying snack. Each bite is filled with tender steak, melted provolone cheese, and the perfect balance of flavors, all fried to golden perfection.

Serve them hot with a side of ranch dressing for dipping, adding a creamy and tangy contrast that enhances every bite. Follow these simple steps to create these irresistible Crispy Cheesesteak Egg Roll Bites that are sure to be a hit at any gathering.

Crispy Cheesesteak Egg Roll Bites


1 1/2 tbsp butter

1 green bell pepper, chopped

1/2 c onion, chopped

1 lb boneless rib eye steak, sliced or coarsely chopped

Salt and pepper, to taste

6 slices provolone cheese

12 egg roll wrappers

Oil, for frying

Ranch, for dipping (optional)


Melt half the butter in a pan over medium-high heat. Cook green pepper and onion for 3-4 minutes until soft. Remove and set aside.

In the same pan, add the remaining butter and steak. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for 3-4 minutes until browned.

Return the veggies to the pan with the steak, mixing well.

Place half a slice of cheese on each egg roll wrapper. Top with steak mixture. Fold and seal with water.

Heat oil to 350°F. Fry egg rolls in batches until golden, about 3-5 minutes.

Drain on paper towels and serve with ranch if desired.


Choose Quality Steak: Opt for rib eye steak for its tenderness and flavor. You can also use other cuts like sirloin or flank steak if preferred.

Slice Steak Thinly: For quicker cooking and easier rolling, slice the steak thinly against the grain. If using coarsely chopped steak, ensure the pieces are small and evenly sized.

Seasoning Steak: Season the steak generously with salt and pepper before cooking to enhance its flavor. You can also add other seasonings like garlic powder or steak seasoning for extra taste.

Saute Vegetables Properly: Cook the green bell pepper and onion until they are softened but still slightly crisp. This maintains their texture and ensures they don’t become mushy in the egg roll filling.

Drain Excess Oil: After frying the egg rolls, place them on paper towels to drain any excess oil. This helps keep them crispy and prevents them from becoming greasy.

Seal Egg Rolls Securely: Ensure the egg roll wrappers are tightly sealed after filling to prevent the filling from leaking out during frying. Use water to moisten the edges of the wrappers before folding and sealing.

Fry in Batches: Fry the egg rolls in batches to avoid overcrowding the pan, which can lower the oil temperature and result in soggy egg rolls. This also allows you to monitor each batch for even frying.

Keep Oil Temperature Consistent: Maintain the oil temperature around 350°F (175°C) throughout frying. Use a thermometer to monitor and adjust the heat as needed to achieve crispy egg rolls.

Serve Immediately: Crispy Cheesesteak Egg Roll Bites are best served hot and fresh. Enjoy them immediately after frying for the crispiest texture and to fully appreciate the flavors of the filling.

Variation: Feel free to customize the filling with additional ingredients such as mushrooms, garlic, or different types of cheese to suit your taste preferences.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 362 kcal | Total Fat: 20.3 g | Saturated Fat: 8.6 g | Trans Fat: 0.1 g | Cholesterol: 49 mg | Sodium: 531 mg | Total Carbohydrates: 26.8 g | Dietary Fiber: 1.1 g | Sugars: 1.1 g | Protein: 17.5 g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use a different cut of steak for this recipe?

Yes, you can use other cuts like sirloin or flank steak.

Ensure the steak is thinly sliced or chopped for quicker cooking.

Can I bake these egg rolls instead of frying them?

Yes, you can bake them in a preheated oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.

Brush or spray them with oil before baking.

How do I ensure the egg rolls stay crispy after frying?

Drain the fried egg rolls on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Serve them immediately after frying to maintain their crispiness.

Can I prepare the filling ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the filling (sauteed vegetables and cooked steak) ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator.

Assemble and fry the egg rolls just before serving for the best texture.

How do I seal the egg roll wrappers properly?

Moisten the edges of the wrappers with water before folding to seal them securely.

Press the edges together firmly to prevent the filling from leaking during frying.

Can I freeze these egg rolls for later?

Yes, you can freeze the assembled but uncooked egg rolls.

Arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid.

Then, transfer them to a freezer-safe container.

Fry them directly from frozen, adding a few extra minutes to the frying time.

What can I substitute for provolone cheese?

You can use other types of cheese such as mozzarella, cheddar, or Swiss cheese based on your preference.

Ensure the cheese melts well and complements the steak.

Is there a healthier alternative to frying these egg rolls?

Yes, you can bake or air-fry the egg rolls for a healthier option.

Adjust cooking times and methods accordingly to achieve a crispy texture.

What should I serve with these Crispy Cheesesteak Egg Roll Bites?

They can be served as appetizers or a snack on their own.

You can also serve them with a side salad or coleslaw for a complete meal.

How can I prevent the egg roll wrappers from tearing?

Handle the egg roll wrappers gently and avoid overstuffing them.

Ensure the filling is evenly distributed and sealed properly to prevent tearing during frying.

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