Cheesy Ranch Potatoes


3 large russet potatoes

2 tbsp olive oil

3 tbsp ranch seasoning mix

1 tsp garlic powder

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

salt & pepper to taste


Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or non-stick foil.

Wash and chop your potatoes into small bite size pieces.

In a large bowl, toss the potatoes with the olive oil and then mix in the ranch seasoning mix.

Place the potatoes onto your baking sheet as separated as possible and then sprinkle with garlic powder, black pepper and just a touch of salt to taste.

Cover the baking sheet with foil and bake for 20 minutes.

Remove the foil and bake for an additional 20 minutes or until the potatoes are tender and golden brown (the time will vary based on how large you chop your potatoes).

Sprinkle the shredded cheese over top and place them back in the oven for 1-2 minutes or until the cheese is melted.


You can use any kind of potato that you’d like for this recipe.

Try dipping these cheesy potatoes in ranch dressing. 🙂

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 400 | Total Fat: 20g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 30mg | Sodium: 700mg | Total Carbohydrates: 50g | Dietary Fiber: 5g | Sugars: 3g | Protein: 8g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use any type of potatoes for this recipe?

Yes, while russet potatoes work well, you can also use Yukon Gold or red potatoes.

Do I have to peel the potatoes?

It’s a personal preference. You can leave the skins on for added texture and nutrients, or peel them if you prefer a smoother texture.

Can I use a different cheese?

Absolutely! Cheddar complements the ranch flavor, but feel free to experiment with cheeses like mozzarella, Monterey Jack, or a blend of cheeses.

Is the ranch seasoning mix store-bought or homemade?

You can use either. You can buy a ranch seasoning mix from the store or make your own at home using a combination of dried herbs and spices.

What’s the purpose of covering the potatoes with foil during baking?

Covering the potatoes initially helps them cook through and become tender.

Removing the foil later allows them to crisp up and develop a golden brown color.

Can I add other seasonings or herbs?

Absolutely! Feel free to customize the seasoning blend.

Some suggestions include paprika, onion powder, or dried parsley for added flavor.

How do I know when the potatoes are done?

They should be tender when pierced with a fork, and the edges should be golden brown and slightly crispy.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

While it’s best enjoyed fresh, you can partially cook the potatoes and then finish baking when you’re ready to serve.

What can I serve these potatoes with?

They make a fantastic side dish for grilled or roasted meats, burgers, or as part of a brunch spread.

Can I make this recipe without the ranch seasoning?

Yes, you can substitute your favorite seasoning blend or simply use garlic powder, onion powder, and herbs for a different flavor profile.

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