Homemade Sopressata

Embark on a culinary adventure with this Homemade Sopressata recipe, where time-honored traditions meet artisanal craftsmanship to create a savory masterpiece. Crafted with care and precision, this Italian cured meat boasts a symphony of flavors and textures that will tantalize your taste buds.

Featuring a blend of finely diced pork back fat and succulent boneless pork shoulder, this recipe is elevated with a carefully curated selection of seasonings, including aromatic garlic, zesty red pepper flakes, and a hint of Pinot Bianco for a touch of sophistication. With the addition of Bactoferm F-RM-52 starter culture, this sopressata undergoes a meticulous fermentation process, resulting in a tender, tangy delight.

Encased in hog middles or casings, each bite offers a harmonious balance of richness and spice. Whether enjoyed on a charcuterie board, sliced thinly in sandwiches, or savored as a standalone indulgence, this Homemade Sopressata promises to elevate your culinary repertoire with its authentic flavors and artisanal flair. Embark on a journey of taste and tradition with every savory slice.

Homemade Sopressata


1 lb pork back fat (450 grams, diced)

4 lbs boneless pork shoulder (1800 g, diced)

1 tsp Bactoferm F-RM-52 starter culture (5 g)

1/4 cup distilled water (60 ml)

1/4 cup kosher salt (60 g)

1 tsp Insta Cure #2 (6 g)

1/2 cup nonfat dry milk powder (70 g)

3 Tbsp dextrose (30 g)

1 tsp ground black pepper (3 g; or white pepper)

1 tsp minced garlic (6 g)

1 tsp hot red pepper flakes (2 g; optional)

1/4 cup Pinot Bianco (60 ml; or comparable dry white wine; optional)

14 inches hog middles or hog casings, soaked in tepid water for at least 30 minutes and rinsed


While the fat is very cold, grind it through the medium die (6mm / 1/4 inch) into a bowl set in ice

Chill while you grind the meat through the large die (12mm / 1/2 inch). Combine the ground meat and fat in the bowl of a standing mixer and refrigerate while you ready the culture and the remaining ingredients.

Dissolve the Bactoferm culture in the distilled water and add it, along with the remaining ingredients, to the meat. Mix by hand, or using a meat mixer, until the seasonings are thoroughly distributed, 1 to 2 minutes.

Stuff the sausage into casings. Tie the ends of the hog middle, if using. Using a sterile pin or needle, prick the casings all over to remove any air pockets and facilitate drying. Hang the sausage at room temperature, ideally 85 degrees F./29 degrees C., for 12 hours to “incubate” the bacteria; the beneficial bacteria will grow and produce more lactic acid at a warmer temperature.

Weigh your sausages and write down the weight.

Hang the sausage in the curing chamber (ideally at 60 degrees F./15 degrees C. with 60 to 70 percent humidity) until completely dry or until it’s lost 30 percent of its weight. The time will differ depending on the size of the casings you use and your drying conditions— roughly 3 to 4 weeks.


Pork Selection: Choosing high-quality pork back fat and boneless pork shoulder is crucial for the texture and flavor of the sopressata. Opt for fresh, well-marbled cuts to ensure the best results.

Grinding Process: Grinding the fat and meat separately through different die sizes ensures a consistent texture and distribution of fat throughout the sopressata. Chilling the ingredients during the grinding process helps maintain their freshness and prevents them from becoming too warm, which can affect the final product’s texture.

Seasonings and Additives: The combination of kosher salt, Insta Cure #2, nonfat dry milk powder, dextrose, ground black pepper, minced garlic, and hot red pepper flakes (optional) adds depth of flavor and aids in the curing process. Adjust the amount of seasoning and red pepper flakes according to personal taste preferences.

Starter Culture: Dissolving the Bactoferm F-RM-52 starter culture in distilled water helps kickstart the fermentation process, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria that contribute to the sopressata’s characteristic tangy flavor and texture.

Stuffing and Casing: Carefully stuffing the seasoned meat mixture into hog middles or casings ensures that the sopressata maintains its shape and allows for proper drying and curing. Pricking the casings with a sterile pin or needle helps release any trapped air pockets and facilitates even drying.

Fermentation and Drying: Allowing the stuffed sausages to incubate at room temperature for 12 hours helps the beneficial bacteria to thrive, initiating the fermentation process. Hanging the sausages in a curing chamber with controlled temperature and humidity levels ensures a slow, gradual drying process, resulting in a firm texture and intensified flavor. Monitoring the weight loss of the sopressata helps determine when it’s ready for consumption, typically after losing around 30 percent of its original weight.

Patience and Attention to Detail: Making homemade sopressata requires patience and attention to detail, as the curing process can take several weeks. Regularly monitoring the curing chamber’s temperature and humidity levels, as well as the sopressata’s weight loss, ensures the best possible outcome. Enjoy the rewarding experience of creating your own artisanal cured meat, and savor the delicious results with family and friends.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size: 1 serving is approximately 100g

Calories: 370 kcal | Protein: 20g | Total Fat: 30g | Saturated Fat: 12g | Carbohydrates: Less than 1g | Dietary Fiber: Less than 1g | Sugars: Less than 1g | Cholesterol: 60mg | Sodium: 1,500mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I substitute the pork back fat with another type of fat?

It’s crucial to use pork back fat in this recipe as it contributes to the texture and flavor of sopressata.

Substituting with a different fat may alter the traditional characteristics of the sausage.

Is it necessary to use Pinot Bianco or white wine in the recipe?

While the wine is optional, it adds a nuanced flavor to the sopressata.

If you prefer to omit it, the sausage will still cure properly, but the wine does enhance the overall taste.

Can I adjust the level of spiciness in the sopressata?

Absolutely! The spiciness comes from the hot red pepper flakes, which are optional.

You can increase or decrease the amount according to your preference.

What if I don’t have a curing chamber? Can I air-dry the sopressata in a regular refrigerator?

While a curing chamber is ideal, you can air-dry the sopressata in a regular refrigerator.

Just ensure it maintains the recommended temperature and humidity levels.

Can I use a different type of starter culture if I can’t find Bactoferm F-RM-52?

Using the specified Bactoferm F-RM-52 is recommended for the desired fermentation and flavor profile.

If you need to substitute, consult with a knowledgeable source for alternative starter cultures suitable for dry-cured sausages.

Can I use a different type of meat for sopressata, or does it have to be pork shoulder?

The traditional recipe calls for pork shoulder, but you can experiment with other meats.

Keep in mind that the fat content and texture may vary, affecting the final product.

Is there a substitute for Pinot Bianco in the sopressata recipe?

While Pinot Bianco adds flavor, you can omit it or use another dry white wine.

The wine enhances the taste but isn’t crucial for the curing process.

Can I air-dry sopressata without a curing chamber?

Yes, you can air-dry sopressata in a regular refrigerator.

Ensure it stays within the recommended temperature and humidity range for successful curing.

What is the purpose of using Insta Cure #2 in the recipe?

Insta Cure #2 is a curing salt that helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and ensures the meat is safe for consumption during the curing process.

Can I adjust the level of spiciness in sopressata by altering the amount of red pepper flakes?

Certainly! The red pepper flakes contribute spiciness, and you can modify the quantity based on your preference for heat in the sopressata.

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