Meatloaf With Smashed Potatoes


1 1/2 pounds ground beef

1 egg

1 onion, chopped

1 cup milk

1 cup oatmeal

salt and pepper to taste

For the glaze:

2 Tablespoons brown sugar

2 Tablespoons mustard

1/3 cup ketchup


Step one:

Mix all meatloaf ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Use a large spoon for mixing, and if you aren’t too squeamish, wash your hands well and mix it together well with your hands.

Step two:

Press meatloaf mixture firmly into a loaf pan.

Meatloaf & Smashed Potatoes ~ the recipe for this classic comfort food meal

Step three: Turn formed meatloaf onto a parchment paper lined baking pan with sides.

Rather than baking meatloaf in a loaf pan (where the grease sits in a pool on the top ~ Yuck!), try this trick: Flip the packed meatloaf from the loaf pan onto a large pan with sides which has been lined with parchment paper.

Meatloaf & Smashed Potatoes ~ the recipe for this classic comfort food meal

(“Whack it!” firmly on the bottom, til it slides out of the loaf pan.)

With this method, the grease will then run out onto the pan as it bakes. It works like a charm!

Step 4:

Mix the barbecue sauce glaze ingredients together in another bowl and pour over the top of the meatloaf.

The secret weapon of this meatloaf is the sauce you pour over the top. It makes the house smell delicious as it bakes and adds so much flavor!

Meatloaf & Smashed Potatoes ~ the recipe for this classic comfort food meal

Bake at 350 degrees for 1 to 1 1/2 hours, or until completely done (and not pink) in the center.

Homemade meatloaf with homemade barbecue sauce topping with smashed potatoes
Tips for making meatloaf amazing!

DO NOT over mix it after you put the oatmeal in. If you do, it turns very gummy. Although it never happened to me, I’ve heard horror stories.😉

Meatloaf typically is served with some type of potato. Baked potatoes work great. Or, the smashed potato recipe below is a great variation and also a hit!

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